On Tue, 14 Apr 2015 06:27:37 +0200
Jonathan Aquilina <eagles051...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here I am goign to toot the wordpress horn here.

I stand by my previous objections.  Even the FBI have issued a warning
about wordpress due to its chronic security problems.

On Mon, 13 Apr 2015 20:16:42 -0500
Caleb Williams <cale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a reason why editing HTML files directly have fallen out of favor.

I understand that it is a poor solution.  OTOH, static web pages are
hard to beat for low maintenance and high security, and I can update the site
at release time in less than half the time it used to take me with the old
joomla.  ATM I value these criteria more.

I continue to suspect that the best fit for freecol would be a
scheme where the web content all lives in the git tree, and we have a
script that adds a new release, and a script that pushes the
git-hosted-content to the website.  Whoever wants to hack the website can
do that on their own machine with whatever tools they prefer (even
wordpress:-), and commit back to git when done.  That would be even better
than the current situation.

Mike Pope

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