> BR#2911
>  * I reviewed the places where this occurs due to code and in may cases
> it's a small overlay with the "new" background behind a small section. One
> place that I don't really like the overlay is on the buttons. It does a
> great job of letting you know there is something new there, but it I almost
> feel as if a different texture would be a great way to make this stand out.
> Something darker perhaps. I also looked at possibly using a solid color
> background for readability purposes, but the colors I choose did work from
> what the color "should look like" to when you input that color as an RGB
> value. Hopefully in the next couple of days I can re-run over the some of
> the panels and see if I see any egregious errors.

Still looking at this, but it's possible that for certain panels or
sub-panels that we may need to override paintComponent(Graphics g)
that we do not paint in the FreeCol background rather than the
method call mentioned earlier in the bug report itself. I have not yet
experimented further with this idea.


*Caleb R. Williams*
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