​Hi Ruben and Sunil,

Thank you  both for ​providing all this useful information!!
​I need some tome to process and find my way around.

I've already found an issue that I think I could work on
https://github.com/freedombox/Plinth/issues/549 ​

​I'll come back soon with lots of questions and some  good news I hope :)

Thank you again for ​the worm welcome to your community :)


On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 8:48 AM, Sunil Mohan Adapa <su...@medhas.org> wrote:

> On Monday 10 April 2017 12:46 PM, Κατερίνα Καμπάρδη wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am a full-stack developer working with Python and Django for the
> > backend. I also have Front End experience using HTML/CSS/JS and
> > Bootstrap framework.
> >
> > Last week I found out about Freedom box while I was seeking for open
> > source projects to get involved. Plinth project seems very interesting
> > to me as I am Django enthusiast!
> >
> > I have setup the development environment using Vagrant and seeking for
> > an easy picking for my first contribution. Any mentoring would be more
> > than welcome !!
> Glad that you are looking to contribute to the FreedomBox project.
> There are issues on the bug tracker that are marked with 'beginner' tag
> that would be good for warm-up[1].  After that you can pick up other
> tasks that are marked 'ready for implementation'[2].  On any of these
> tasks you can request details on implementation.
> We are also available on IRC and mailing list to answer questions about
> internals, or help you pick a task.
> 1)
> https://github.com/freedombox/Plinth/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%
> 3Aopen+label%3Abeginner
> 2)
> https://github.com/freedombox/Plinth/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%
> 3Aopen+label%3Aready-for-implementation
> --
> Sunil

*Full Stack Developer*
+30 211 790 2526, +30 26130 23424
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