> Now, I will have to disclose that I have not tried jwasm.  There's no  
> reason
> behind that except for laziness.  Having learned nasm and finding it met  
> my
> needs, I just didn't try jwasm because I didn't want to learn it.  So, I
> cannot compare nasm to it.

I can't really compare NASM to it either, because I never really did any
serious programming effort in MASM/TASM/etc. However, it looks like JWASM
provides a high degree of compatibility with MASM. Apparently it can
already be used as a drop-in replacement for lots of existing code. This
means that JWASM is essentially the best free MASM-syntax assembler.

> Given my druthers, I would like to see nasm as the standard for the
> project.  Again, this is only for what is currently on SourceForge.net  
> and
> maybe the base in the future, but that is a personal choice and not one
> scientifically arrived at.  I could be wrong.

I never would do any assembler programming in any other assembler than  
NASM either, but a lot of other programmers still prefer MASM. To note one  
example, Japheth maintains the most recent EMM and HIMEM drivers for  
FreeDOS as well as the HDPMI DOS extender/DPMI server. (Not incidentally,  
he created/maintains JWASM too.)


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