
On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Antony Gordon <cuzint...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I updated FDISK 1.2.1 and made some changes so that it would compile. I also
> managed to get in contact with Brian and he's helping me resolve the issues
> with the 1.3 code base that I'm having with compiling it.
> Hopefully soon I will have something together and I can start on the rest of
> CAT implementation and transitioning from Borland compilers to OpenWatcom.

Just for the record ....

The old "1.0/pkgs" FDISKS.ZIP package actually has
"source/fdisk/cats396s.zip" inside it. And the related FDISKX.ZIP
(.LSM calling itself 1.3.0 from 2003) actually also has XFdisk and
SPFdisk (also from 2003?). A quick check on iBiblio didn't find any
better location of SPFdisk at all.

The "dos/fdisk" subdir on iBiblio also has "xfdisk" subdir, but that
is just a symlink to "util/disk/xfdisk". So there should probably also
be a subdir for "spfdisk".

A quick search shows that apparently SPFdisk used to be on SourceForge
but no longer is (dunno why). The only site I could now find,
presumably official, is http://spferng.myweb.hinet.net/ . Of course,
most of it isn't English, but Google Translate helps a little.

The main site seems to mention "2009/04/15" and "2000-03v". The
download page has five prebuilt binaries (all inside RAR sfx .EXEs)
and one source .7z archive. The various builds are mostly for
nls/i18n: traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Braille (??),
English (graphical?), and English text mode. The (GPLv2+) sources are
apparently for TC 2.0 and MASM v6. Technically, the .7z archive seems
to have been created on 2010-02-04, so that appears to have been the
latest update. (I also touched the archive files' dates so that they
would match last update.)

So, assuming this is good enough for our uses and consistent with
previous mirroring, I'm going to copy these files (verbatim) to
iBiblio for us. If Jim Hall or anyone decides that RAR sfx is too
annoying, that can be fixed later. I would just rather have an
official mirror (obviously) rather than accidentally relying on older,
hidden, or missing versions.

So you can now easily find SPFdisk at two places (both pointing to the
former, but the latter is more canonical I suppose):

1). http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/disk/spfdisk
2). http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/dos/fdisk/spfdisk/

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