In the discussion about what version to assign to the next release:
It has been my understanding that the version number code x.y is defined as:
x is the major number, which indicates a change in interface or function or some other large-scale impact, possibly with implications to backward compatibility.
  y is the minor number, which indicates an incremental improvement.
By this notion, as long as FreeDOS is undergoing incremental improvements, it would stay 1.y, however large y might get. And therefore a 2.0 would reflect a large change to the way FreeDOS works. Perhaps the start of a movement away from the "same as MSDOS 6.22" objective. Or perhaps a major change in the structure, such as a rewritten kernel, that doesn't affect compatibility at all. Not that I can say MSDOS itself held to this principle. I was never aware of using versions of MSDOS with different major numbers, nor of the Borland compilers I always used having to issue an upgrade to accommodate a new DOS version, but I wasn't really paying attention, either.

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