Hi Brian,

  i send you patches for booteasy & bootnorm fdisk code. Some buggy BIOSes
can cause following fatal problems:
  - 0x00 instead of 0x8? in DL while booting
  - changing dl while LBA test

  For booteasy: This loader doesn't test LBA so i only comment entry
code and use or DL, 0x80. I tested it on TI, AST and some k6-II and
Barton based workstations.
  For bootnorm: I use or DL, 0x80 in read_boot_sector and push&pop DX.
I take this from GNU grub which solves same problems. I tested this too.

  This is necessary for TI Extensa 600cd notebook & for AST bravo
desktop station. Please aply and let me know when release new version of
fdisk - i need this because i don't have borland tc++ for compile and
need fdisk for automatic backup & recovery.
  David "Dave" Jez                Brno, CZ, Europe
---------=[ ~EOF ]=------------------------------------
 booteasy.asm |    7 ++++---
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

--- orig/source/booteasy/booteasy.asm   Wed Nov  6 19:04:34 2002
+++ new/source/booteasy/booteasy.asm    Thu Nov  4 10:14:52 2004
@@ -125,9 +125,10 @@
 ;              The main entry to the boot
-               cmp     DL,81h          ; DL contains current drive number
-               je      driveok         ; is it valid?
-               mov     DL,80h          ; no - use the default value
+;              cmp     DL,81h          ; DL contains current drive number
+;              je      driveok         ; is it valid?
+;              mov     DL,80h          ; no - use the default value
+               or      DL,80h          ; workaround for buggy BIOSes
 driveok:       mov     BP,DX           ; save the drive number
                inc     DX              ; 80h -> 81h, 81h -> 82h
                xor     DL,80h+'3'      ; 80h -> '2', 81h -> '1'
 bootnorm.asm |    3 +++
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+)

--- orig/source/bootnorm/bootnorm.asm   Sat Oct 19 23:28:40 2002
+++ new/source/bootnorm/bootnorm.asm    Thu Nov  4 10:14:46 2004
@@ -103,10 +103,13 @@
+               or  dl,0x80                     ; workaround for buggy BIOSes
+               push dx                         ; some BIOSes changes DL here
                 ;  /* check for LBA support */
                mov bx,0x55aa           
                mov ah,0x41
                int 0x13
+               pop dx
                jc  StandardBios    ;  if (regs.b.x != 0xaa55 || (regs.flags & 0x01))
                cmp bx,0xaa55       ;    goto StandardBios;

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