Hi, Bernd pointed me to the original DEVLOAD sources...
I have kicked the code a bit to compile into a .com file again
(not exe) and to compile with Arrowsoft ASM (involved changes: mark
a few ... byte ptr ..., immediate value as such, to avoid phase errors
caused by the ambiguity of "immediate value could be byte or word",
and replace retf by "db 0cbh" because of stupid Arrowsoft ASM 2.0 bugs
... well, at least it is a freeware ASM). The .com compile changes were
more complex, of course. After getting that to work and realizing that
the program works although it crashes debug, I wrote some really new parts:

- DEVLOAD now passes loadseg:???c as suggested end of driver pointer
  instead of loadseg:0, to tell the driver about available memory in DOS
  5+ style (I used loadseg:???c instead of endseg:0 or loadseg:???f for
  alledgedly better compat to strange drivers and old DOS versions). The
  ??? value depends on the size of the available memory block - can be up
  to 640k of LOW DOS RAM or up to 64k of UMB RAM.

- DEVLOAD /H now causes "DEVLOADHIGH" behaviour :-). With this switch,
  DEVLOAD uses strategy "try UMB, then low, first fit" to allocate either
  64k or if that is not available whatever is available. I guess it would
  be more elegant to use strategy "try only UMB" to find out the size of the
  biggest UMB... on the other hand, I prefer giving drivers at least 64k,
  resorting to low memory if UMB cannot offer that much.

- I hope that I did not break things and that DEVLOAD actually does what it
  should do and does so better than 3.11 did. Please test. I only tested with
  my SYSMEM tool as sample driver (quite useful for that). DEVLOAD /V is the
  verbose mode and DEVLOAD /? shows help.

http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/by-others/ devload-3.12.zip

If this turns out to work: Bernd, you said devload is open but no longer
maintained. License is GPL but the distro has a bit of a strange structure
on the infradead homepage. So could you please 1. tell the original author
about the update and 2. pack everything into a nice zip file? My current
zip only contains .asm and .com file and is therefore not ready for wide
audience. Compile: asm devload.asm, then tlink /t devload.obj (of Turbo C).

Happy loading (I still think that DEVICE[HIGH] is much better than any tool
that loads devices from the command prompt...!).


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