On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 17:59:28 +0200, you wrote:

Hi Lucho,

>Oh, thank you, but I'm not! If I was, I could translate "sailor moon" to 
>Japanese and Bulgarian and "otaku" to English and Bulgarian, or even 
>translate my New Year greeting card 
>(http://linux.tu-varna.acad.bg/~lig/card.html) to French, Spanish, 
>Japanese or Chinese. As a matter of fact, I can't do none of this yet! ;-) 

You did many language already!
I think on the earth most of the people can speak 2 to 3 language,
more than 3 is very smart.

>By the way, if my small HTML correction helped you, would you help me with 
>the translation of my greeting card text to Chinese and Japanese (and 
>someone else to Spanish and French)? (Currently it has texts in Bulgarian, 
>Russian, German, English and Italian.) All I need are zipped UTF-8 texts 
>for each language which show correctly for people with respective 
>installed language support. I hope that 298 days to next New Year are 
>enough :)

Spend a few hours and find some resources, should be working.
In HTML format, attached.


Hong Kong - International Joke Center (after 1997-06-30)
Title: Test other language in UTF-8
Traditional Chinese:

Simplified Chinese:


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