Can somebody please fix the date for directory creation?
this is the unstable kernel, I used Lucho's latest binary.
I'll compile my own binary soon enough.
(if you're wondering: Freecom 0.82plAK-XMS, DIR C:\FDOS /OGN /Y)

problem is not in kernel 2035


Volume in drive C is C_FREEDOS9
Volume Serial Number is 4020-19E3

Directory of C:\FDOS

.                    <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
..                   <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
APPINFO              <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
BIN                  <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
CPI                  <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
DOC                  <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
HELP                 <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
INSTBASE             <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
NLS                  <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
TEMP                 <DIR>  00-00-1980 12:00a
CONFIG   SYS        11,197  01-24-2004  3:44a
COPYING             18,353  08-15-2002 11:59p
LOCALIZE EN          1,623  09-17-2004  7:05p
POSTINST BAT         6,152  09-17-2004  3:56p
        4 file(s)         37,325 bytes
       10 dir(s)      1,015 Mega bytes free

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