[Freedos-kernel] Revisions to check for copy bug

2009-12-27 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, DISCLAIMER: I have only minimal understanding of DOS internals, so don't count on what I write being accurate; it reflects a year of superficial reading. Anyhow, I would never see the bug DOS386 mentioned because 1. I haven't used that much space; most of my DOS drives are 2 GiB 2. I

Re: [Freedos-kernel] NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN

2009-11-30 Thread ibid_ag
Hello Pat, Eric, and everyone else, Clarification: Formerly, Ikon was sold as an OS (for a short period from September to November this year), with the FreeDOS kernel and some other GPL code included in binary form. The source for GPL programs was available as a separate download. The Ikon GUI

Re: [Freedos-kernel] Sys crashes when specifying file, kernel tree-screenshot

2009-11-18 Thread ibid_ag
Your Nov 15 build (http://www.fdos.org/kernel/sys/sys.com) works here, while the last build (Nov 13) still had the bug. So I guess you fixed it; the only question is what changes made the difference. I tried sys with these options: c: c:\large.bin d: d:\small.bin /bootonly c: large.bin /bootonly

[Freedos-kernel] Sys crashes when specifying file, kernel tree

2009-11-13 Thread ibid_ag
Hello everyone, First, I have a bug report against the 1497 fdos.org build of sys (OW386/FAT32/UPX)-- if I specify a file to write the bootsector to (sys c: large.bin, with or without /BOOTONLY or /BOTH), sys crashes with Invalid opcode at 00AB (etc.) System halted (no drivers, HimemX, or Jemmex)

[Freedos-kernel] Freedos boot floppy and claimed bugs

2009-09-24 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, I have a slightly outdated disk (~1 month) 1.44M image here: http://cid-f785bf5e55218c8e.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/DOS/fdboot.img?ccr=6115lc=1033 for details, or

[Freedos-kernel] Kernel 1495 brief test

2009-07-31 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, I've tried the 1495 automatic build (OW, 8086, FAT16) and there are no _major_ regressions--in other words, the standard stuff still works. It is bootable via grub4dos (have not tried any native boot sectors yet), and here's what I've loaded (or run): JEMMEX LSL (NETWARE 16-bit) RTEODI

[Freedos-kernel] Drivers compilers

2009-07-31 Thread ibid_ag
Eric: Thanks for telling where to find the minimal OW--versions are 1.3 (16bit targets), 1.7a (not downloaded), and 1.8 DOS only--20+ megs (I think-not downloaded). (Also on the page--DJGPP small versions; to kernel builders: IGNORE THESE) For what it's worth, Borland C++ 5.5 may not be able to

[Freedos-kernel] Copyright owners for kernel license

2009-07-27 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, In another forum (http://www.bttr-software.de/forum/forum_entry.php?id=6773), I ran across a discussion of GPL vs. BSD-style licenses. While I personally find the GPL satisfactory, one clause allows relicensing by the author. In the discussion I refer to, relicensing was mentioned. I

[Freedos-kernel] Potential issues with FAR printf

2009-07-20 Thread ibid_ag
Jeremy: The FAR printf is probably good for 16-bit builds with DEBUG defined. However, there are at least two potential issues (NOT YET VERIFIED). 1. 386 (or higher) builds might fail on a FAR value, as a 32-bit FAR is past 4GB. I don't know how the compilers treat FAR in these builds. 2.Low

[Freedos-kernel] Share, HX, and pipes

2009-07-06 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, It is true that no DOS provides pipes. HX makes up for this by creating a new file and opening 2 instances (1 read only)--per the HX docs that I looked at on Sunday. If SHARE is not loaded, this ostensibly may not work as expected. Christian: Is your file sharer ready yet (able to

[Freedos-kernel] Past bugs and CONFIG dot SYS

2009-07-04 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, 1470 builds and works fine (not much testing done though). cd \ works again (resources handled correctly) from Christian's test program. HDPMI (HX 2.15 dpmi server) loads. Regarding the patch I saw mentioned, here's the thread:

[Freedos-kernel] More tests and chdir

2009-07-01 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, Regarding Win--yes, I did just use the WIN option for build.bat. A trick I just tested today: you can boot multiple kernels in parallel via grub for dos (eg, title Boot FreeDOS root (hd0,2) chainloader /kernel.sys title FreeDOS second kernel root (hd0,2) chainloader /ktc18616.sys )

[Freedos-kernel] 2039-svn bugs

2009-06-30 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, I've been trying to patch 2039-svn with Christian's fix, while working under a TC 186/FAT32/Win kernel (built myself), and I have found the following: 1. Code changed. In other words, the if (!tsr) line referred to seems to not exist (per TC find, and visual inspection) 2. BUG!

[Freedos-kernel] 2039-svn build

2009-06-27 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, I finally tried to build FreeDOS myself. It works better than I had imagined possible! (having seen Linux) The hardest part was to find a 16-bit NASM. I have used TurboC because 1 I already have it, 2 OpenWatcom would take too long to download at~78 mb, 3 OW is too large for the 256 mb

[Freedos-kernel] ARF when COMMAND isnt running

2009-06-08 Thread ibid_ag
Hello, DOS386: Sorry for being rude. Anyhow, when I tried running the old GEMXM under pre-2038rc2 kernels, I got the same sort of ARF bug--while GEMVDI.EXE was the running application. This seems to imply that either this is a common application bug or else the kernel has some obscure code which

[Freedos-kernel] Kernel 2038 and plans

2009-05-18 Thread ibid_ag
Hello all, 1. I have checked out the latest build (kernel 2038-32). It works fine with GEM/XM. (So did the 2nd RC.) 2. Congratulations on a great kernel/OS 3. PLEASE stop the flame wars--the last few digests have looked rather (?!) 4. I would rather see more of the features from 2037 in stable

[Freedos-kernel] Which kernel

2009-05-18 Thread ibid_ag
Hi Pat, I would say 2038 as default, 2037 (including winkrnl) as option--unless 2039 shows up first (doesn't look likely). If 2039 gets something worthwhile, 1.11 is an option. Thank you, ibidem -- Crystal Reports -

Re: [Freedos-kernel] GEMXM

2009-05-05 Thread ibid_ag
Hello: 1. The updated GEM/XM is what I run. It simply was hacked to autofail on FCB errors. 2. I am unfamiliar with debugging, asm, programming, etc. I just know some tools. 3. LOAD.ASM is part of the missing source for GEM/XM. It was lost before release under the GPL. 4. It is indeed a branch

[Freedos-kernel] GEMXM incompatibilities FCB errors

2009-05-04 Thread ibid_ag
Hello, I've tried running GEM/XM under freedos kernels 2035b, 2036, 2037, and Christian experimental build (later renamed 2038pre). Official documentation says it will not work due to using FCBs to read the driver loading file, 'ASSIGN.SYS'. GEM/XM complains about assign.sys, then dies. So I

[Freedos-kernel] Kernel build 2038rc1 testing

2009-05-04 Thread ibid_ag
Hello, I tried 2038rc1svn out _briefly_. It works about the same as prior builds (runs edit, mem, command, gem; loads ctmouse, gcdrom, himemx,jemm386, shsucdx; still does not run GEM/XM). If anyone else wants to test GEM compatibility, I would suggest downloading the OpenGEM SDK from Sourceforge