Hi folks,

I want to upload a corefile of a crashed named process that likely has the keys for DNS/$HOSTNAME embedded within it.

I've run 'ipa-getkeytab -p DNS/$HOSTNAME -k /etc/named.keytab' to generate new keys for the service & store them in the keytab file. The previous keys are still present in the keytab file, so that the acceptor can authenticate any clients using a service ticket issued before the acceptor's keys were rotated, I believe?

Am I correct to say that once the service's keys been rotated AND that change has been replicated to all servers AND all existing service tickets for DNS/$HOSTNAME have expired, that the old keys are useless & safe to disclose?

Regardless, removing the old tickets from the keytab file with ktutil is quite fiddly. You have to 'rkt' the old keytab file, 'delent' on each entry with an old kvno, then 'wkt' to a new file, then move the new file over the old one & fix up the owner/group/mode/context. But I found that 'kadmin.local ktremove -k /etc/named.keytab DNS/$HOSTNAME old' automated the process of removing the old keys from the keytab file in-place. Maybe someoene else might find that info useful.

Thanks as always!

Sam Morris <https://robots.org.uk/>
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