You may be hitting was Alexander is pointing out with jss/pki. I think he was
suggesting to have everything updated but have an older JDK build installed
instead (eg downgrade it). I just don't know what version may work or if it's
just a matter of going down just one version. I just don't have
Thanks Louis for your help.
I try 2 times on 2 different days to update packages without success (see log
from previous post). So in order to be able to get security updates I put until
now all ipa packages into the exlude list inside dnf.conf file.
I order to provides another try today add to ad
I can't tell if this is a clean install or a migration from CentOS to Rocky.
I'll assume it's a new installation (I've not had this happen on new installs).
Could you show ipactl status after upgrading the new packages? Could you also
show systemctl status for each service?
Thanks a lot Alexander for your quick answer and as always thanks for to your
team for all works done one freeipa.
I am using a rockylinux 8 which should be close to a centos/rhel
In order to provide more information I put below more log data. So currently I
downdgrade those ipa packages to the
On to, 04 marras 2021, MERCIER Jonathan via FreeIPA-users wrote:
to complete information
the named-pkcs11 service is started so it is not a problem to resolv host
Here I see that the rest api is down to my understanding
Most likely you need to downgrade a JDK build. It is a known issue that
to complete information
the named-pkcs11 service is started so it is not a problem to resolv host
Here I see that the rest api is down to my understanding
# systemctl status named-pkcs11
● named-pkcs11.service - Berkeley Internet Name Domain (DNS) with native PKCS#11
Loaded: loaded (/us