Hi all, I need advice or help with freeIPA implementation behind F5 bigip 
loadbalancer. My goal is to have all freeIPA services (including json/xml API) 
behind loadbalancer for freeIPA clients.

>> Because RHEL support says me IPA behind loadbalancer is not supported I was 
>> coming out of these articles (I recommend you read and I thank the people 
>> who wrote them):


>> Now I have one pool with one freeIPA node (for easy debugging):
hostname: ipa-01.internal.services

>> And VIP hostname for clients:
hostname: hub.internal.services

                |              |
                |              |
+--------+      | Loadbalancer |      ipa-01.internal.services
|        | TLS  |              | TLS  +--------------+
|Client  +----->+              +----->+              |
|        |      |              |      | freeIPA node |
+--------+      |              |      |              |
                |              |      +--------------+

>> After ipa-server-install ....  first, I created a fake host that I assign 
>> services. This is fake host for the load balancer:

ipa host-add hub.internal.services --force --random
ipa host-allow-retrieve-keytab hub.internal.services --users=admin
ipa-getkeytab -s ipa-01.internal.services -p host/hub.internal.services -k 
/etc/krb5.keytab \

>> Second I created LDAP service - because I need keytab for 
>> ldap/hub.internal.services (after retrieved merged into 
>> /etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab):

ipa service-add --force ldap/hub.internal.services
ipa service-add-host ldap/hub.internal.services --hosts=ipa-01.internal.services
ipa service-allow-retrieve-keytab ldap/hub.internal.services --users=admin
ipa-getkeytab -s ipa-01.internal.services -p ldap/hub.internal.services -k 
/etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab \
chown dirsrv:dirsrv /etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab

>> Next I created HTTP service - I need keytab for HTTP/hub.internal.services 
>> (after retrieved merged into /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab):

ipa service-add --force HTTP/hub.internal.services
ipa service-add-host HTTP/hub.internal.services 
ipa service-allow-retrieve-keytab HTTP/hub.internal.services --users=admin
ipa-getkeytab -s ipa-01.internal.services -p HTTP/hub.internal.services -k 
/etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab \
chown apache:apache /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab

>> Check keytabs:

klist -Kket /etc/krb5.keytab
klist -Kket /etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab
klist -Kket /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab

All keytabs looks like this:
Keytab name: FILE:/etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab
KVNO Timestamp          Principal
---- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
   3 13.5.2016 22:05:14 ldap/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
   3 13.5.2016 22:05:14 ldap/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
(aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96)  (0x4247b97e7b2b62a49094105b86740537)
   3 13.5.2016 22:05:14 ldap/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
(des3-cbc-sha1)  (0x67851f1a16f8df45b30b1a89fe677ad03eaeae6ba2940e4a)
   3 13.5.2016 22:05:14 ldap/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
(arcfour-hmac)  (0xed6d8caba385fdd8b5775e2f17303fb6)
   1 13.5.2016 23:00:43 ldap/hub.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
   1 13.5.2016 23:00:43 ldap/hub.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
(aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96)  (0x11e1c820db6b49bb9290c0c9e2888914)
   1 13.5.2016 23:00:43 ldap/hub.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
(des3-cbc-sha1)  (0xbad3cb89fbf132abbcad29bcfd79fb4532cedfe90bf1078f)
   1 13.5.2016 23:00:43 ldap/hub.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES 
(arcfour-hmac)  (0xb80563d1f60ac374ffb3888c95434371)

>> Next I add 'ignore_acceptor_hostname = true' to the /etc/krb5.conf file 
>> (because I need ignore acceptor hostname):

sed -i '/^\[libdefaults\]$/a\ ignore_acceptor_hostname = true' /etc/krb5.conf

>> Last step was modify rewrite rules in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf 
>> file, I commented all lines except these:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/ipa/ui/js/freeipa/plugins.js$    /ipa/wsgi/plugins.py [PT]

>> On Loadbalancer I created iRule for replacing referer when client send 
>> request to hub.internal.services and for replace cookie domain when response 
>> from IPA node:

   clientside {
      # Odstani z IP route domain
      scan [LB::server addr] {%[^%]} iponly
      # Najde v listu s nazvem ipa-hostnames podle IP hostname a nahradi referer
      HTTP::header replace Referer "https://[class match -value $iponly equals 
      # Vypise referer do logu
      #log local0. "[HTTP::header Referer]"
   set newdomain "hub.internal.services"
    foreach mycookie [HTTP::cookie names] { 
        HTTP::cookie domain $mycookie $newdomain

>> I make SSL offloading on loadbalancer for LDAPS (636), LDAP over SSL (389 
>> starttls extension), HTTPS, so SSL certificate CN matching everytime. Certs 
>> on LB are from the same authority as certificates for IPA nodes.
>> Now I am in state all services working fine (LDAP, HTTP web gui, NTP, DNS) 
>> with kerberos auth bud freeIPA json or xml api NOT.

david@dklima:~$ ldapsearch -H ldap://hub.internal.services -Y GSSAPI
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL data security layer installed.
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <> (default) with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# search result
search: 4
result: 32 No such object

# numResponses: 1

>> I know why kerberos auth to ONLY freeipa json api fails. It is because 
>> freeipa using S4U2Proxy/Services4User and client (ipa-client-install) not 
>> send TGT. So freeipa backend can not connect to 389DS with user identity >> 
>> If I calling API throught loadbalancer:
>> My freeipa api testing command:
export KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
export COOKIE=/tmp/cookie.ipa
export IPAHOSTNAME=hub.internal.services
curl -vc $COOKIE -b $COOKIE -k --negotiate -u : -X GET 

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<value><string>Insufficient access: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: 
Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (Matching 
credential not found)</string></value>
* Closing connection 0
* SSLv3, TLS alert, Client hello (1):

>> If i try add parameter '--delegation always' to curl command result is OK, 
>> API is working

curl --delegation always -vc $COOKIE -b $COOKIE -k --negotiate -u : -X GET 

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<value><string>unknown command 'xml'</string></value>

>> So I add the service constraint delegation:
[root@ipa-01 ~]# ipa servicedelegationrule-show ipa-http-delegation
  Delegation name: ipa-http-delegation
  Allowed Target: ipa-ldap-delegation-targets, ipa-cifs-delegation-targets
  Member principals: HTTP/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES, 
[root@ipa-01 ~]# ipa servicedelegationtarget-show ipa-ldap-delegation-targets
  Delegation name: ipa-ldap-delegation-targets
  Member principals: ldap/hub.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES, 

>> Now as you can see I am able to get ticket for ldap/ipa-01.internal.services 
>> based on ticket HTTP/hub.internal.services:

[root@ipa-01 ~]# kinit -kt /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab HTTP/hub.internal.services
[root@ipa-01 ~]# kvno -k /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab -U admin -P 
HTTP/hub.internal.services ldap/ipa-01.internal.services
HTTP/hub.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES: kvno = 1, keytab entry valid
ldap/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES: kvno = 1, keytab entry valid

>> I monitored KRB clientcache on IPA node and difference if connection failed:

>> This is direct connection to API - cache is good, as you can see  - based on 
>> HTTP/ipa-01.internal.services IPA framework got ldap/ipa-01.internal.services
[root@ipa-01 caches]# klist admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES-directipa
Ticket cache: FILE:admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES-directipa
Default principal: admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
27.9.2016 21:51:01   28.9.2016 21:50:47   
27.9.2016 19:21:16   28.9.2016 19:21:16   
        for client HTTP/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES
27.9.2016 21:51:02   28.9.2016 19:21:16   

>> This is connection to API trought loadbalancer (hub.internal.services), 
>> connection ended with error, because IPA framework do not knowing that they 
>> must use HTTP/hub.internal.services for got ldap/ipa-01.internal.services 
>> ticket or client TGT (not send in this case)
[root@ipa-01 caches]# klist admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES-throught-loadbalancer
Ticket cache: FILE:admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES-throught-loadbalancer
Default principal: admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
27.9.2016 21:54:00   28.9.2016 21:50:47   
27.9.2016 19:21:16   28.9.2016 19:21:16   
        for client HTTP/ipa-01.internal.services@INTERNAL.SERVICES
>> This is connection to API trought loadbalancer (hub.internal.services) with 
>> TGT delegation, connection ended with success, because IPA framework use TGT 
>> to obtain ticket for ldap/ipa-01.internal.services
[root@ipa-01 caches]# klist admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES-loadbalancer-delegace 
Ticket cache: FILE:admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES-loadbalancer-delegace
Default principal: admin@INTERNAL.SERVICES

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
27.9.2016 21:54:01   28.9.2016 21:50:47   
27.9.2016 21:54:01   28.9.2016 21:50:47   

>> So without delegation TGT there is missing ticket for 
>> ldap/ipa-01.internal.services and IPA framework return this message:

Insufficient access: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS 
failure.  Minor code may provide more information (Matching credential not 

>> In freeipa code is hardcored ipa node principal and i do not know where is 
>> this part of code. Can you help me create patch (or introduce a code point 
>> where I'm looking for) or found other solutions, please? Or I think one 
>> solution is to force the client (in my case ipa-client-instal) to send TGT. 
>> Bud I do not want to send TGT. I think better solutions is create patch for 
>> freeipa server code. Delegation is already produced by ipa 
>> servicedelegationrule.

Thank you very much and sorry for my English.


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