Title: shinbiro mail edior



I use "FreeRADIUS Version 0.5, for host i686-pc-linux-gnu, built on

Mar  7 2002 at 02:11:01"


I edit users file the following.


DEFAULT Auth-Type :=3D EAP
       = Fall-Through =3D 1


Also, I edit radiusd.conf


        eap {
   &n= bsp;            = ;   default_eap_type =3D md5

            =        timer_expire     = =3D 60

            =     md5 {
        = ;        }



authorize {
= #       counter
#    &= nbsp;  attr_filter
        eap        suffix
   &n= bsp;    files
#       mscha= p

authenticate {
#       pam
 &nb= sp;      unix
#     &n= bsp; ldap
#       mschap
  &n= bsp;     eap



But I can't success the authentication.


After EAP-Response/MD5 ..., radiusd says


rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
rlm_eap: EAP_TYPE - md= 5
rlm_eap: processing type md5
rlm_eap_md5: No password configured fo= r this user
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns invalidmodcall: group authenticate returns invalid
auth: Failed to validate t= he user.
Delaying request 1 for 1 seconds
Finished request 1

I don't know how I register each user and password.

Does anyone know what I shall do to tell user's password to eap module?<= /P>




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