>Duncan Drennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am running free-radius 0.4 on Suse Linux 7.3. We want to allow certain 
>>access to our network for processing. Our (ISDN) clients dial into our 
>>ISP. If they dial in with a certain user name, then the ISP must 
>>authenticate with our radius server and allow them to log in.
>  That's what realms our for.  The clients should log into the ISP as
>'user@your_domain'.  That ISP then configures their server to check
>for the '@your_domain', and to forward the requests to you.
>  They should also be able to strip off the '@your_domain', so it
>looks to *you* like someone local is requesting authentication/
>>The ISP has a radius server. I've been looking at the config files
>>and it seems that this is done using the proxy file and clients or
>>users files. I'm not really sure how to do this, because I haven't
>>ever worked with radius before.
>  I'd suggest asking your ISP for help, as you *will* have to interact
>with them, and set up compatible configurations.
>>What needs to be done on our server to allow access for out clients?
>>We want this setup so that we can have control over the access
>>without having to go through our ISP for admin.
>  They should proxy requests to you, and you should authenticate them.

I presume that all I need to authenticate is add the info into the users 
config file??

>  Alan DeKok.
DeKok? Where are you from? Sound very South African (my home) :)

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