This has absolutely nothing to do with your mail recipient or any group
may or may not have something to do with your ISP or how you connect to the
Internet.  Somehow, someone has filtering software installed onto your
computer, such as many companies utilize.

    These software titles (see below) are sort of 'outgoing' anti-SPAM
and/or anti-virus or even firewall programs that companies or ISP's install
onto computers.  Your PC may require it to access the Internet on some
extreme ISP companies; for instance corporate Internet connections.  This
type of software is commonly installed onto business laptops also, or
desktop machines in a company setting (in your office).  Similar programs
will block you from surfing, chatting, and even playing games.  Just find
the program, and un-install it (read warnings lower down first!!).  You may
have to seek advice from your ISP, or system administrator (local IT geek at
work).  Do not be surprised if even asking about it gets negative attention
from your supervisors and maybe a lecture about abusing company Internet
connection policy......

    Basically, all these software titles have one thing in common, you are
being controlled. you are being filtered, and monitored....  Consider
carefully, who installed it, and if this is your personal machine, or a
company machine... I strongly suggest, that if you are using a company
machine, you tread carefully before you start blowing people out of the

See if you have one of the following software titles installed onto your
-InterScan Suite Virus Wall and Emanager
-Scanmail Exchange Emanager
-TrendMicro Emanager

    Here are links and online resources that you can get it, what it is, and
does.  There are various software titles that all basically do the same type
of thing:

    Here is the most common commercial program by the name of eManager.
is the link for the full manual and service guide for the software in PDF
(AdobeÔ AcrobatÒ 'Portable Document Format') format:

           Note: Are you using an apple computer?
                 There are similar named eMail filters
                 available for Mac's with similar names.

 Freedom comes from within, then spreads outwards through action, not words,
  ICQ#: 22448421

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