Dear Alex D. Krivoshein,

--Tuesday, August 27, 2002, 11:33:37 PM, you wrote to 

ADK> Dear 3APA3A,

ADK>     I read your last article with great pleasure, but I still have some 
ADK> questions.
ADK> 1. How can I mark pair to be a configure atribute but not a check 
ADK> atribute - I tried to set
ADK> different values in op field in the database, but had no result.

It  depends on module your use. I don't like rlm_sql configuration (hope
you  mean  it) because it's unclear. To add attributes to reply you have
to  make this attributes in reply table. In order to add some attributes
to configure list you have to add these attributes into check table with
':=' (T_OP_SET) or '+=' (T_OP_ADD) operation.

ADK> 2. Which item must be set into check list in mschap authorization?

ADK> With hope, Alex

ADK> - 
ADK> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Стреляя во второй раз, он искалечил постороннего. Посторонним был я. (Твен)

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