Hello, Mustafa.

MNd> can u attach some debug messages?

i cannot replay the things like they was - this time login is allowed.
configuration is not changed, but one message from log file tells
(imho) about problem:

Mon Jun  2 17:16:26 2003 : Auth: Outside allowed timespan (time
allowed 1000-1800): [user1/pass1] (from client nas1 port 0 cli

>> some strange things about Login-Time in 0.8.1. is it my fault or ...?
>> 1. first attempt
>> current time: 1720
>> Login-Time = Any1000-1800
>> failure (yes, it complaints about time)
>> 2. second attempt
>> current time: 1721
>> Login-Time = Any1000-1759
>> success

С уважением,
 Alex                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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