Verify that you've updated the configuration line for the 'basedn'
option.  Run the server in debugging mode, and see that the server is
using that new configuration.  Verify that the user's realm is
available to the LDAP module.

  The 'Realm' attribute is NOT something which is magically generated
when a user logs in via 'username@realm'.  You must add configuration
to the server telling it to look for that realm.

  e.g. in the 'realms' file:

realm1    LOCAL
realm2    LOCAL

  If you don't have any special treatment of the realms, then the
server will not know about the realms.

  Alan DeKok.


  Hi Alan..

  I compiled the last nightly snapshot, updated the configuration file (ou=%{Realm},ou=<mydomain>). The realm file contains a entry like this (<myrealm>   LOCAL)...


Now Im having a strange behaviour with the server... running the radtest program the log shows several lines like this:

Sending Access-Request of id 163 to

and then core dump...

This only occurs if the basedn contains a variable in it.. If I took off the %{Realm} part of the basedn, the server becomes normal..







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