Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP

2008-05-29 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, thank you for your response! when i run my server in debugging mode , it seems to work very well! radius# *radiusd -X -A *** Starting - reading configuration files ... reread_config: reading radiusd.conf [...] Listening on authentication *:1812 Listening on accounting *:1813

Re: newbie - authentication error

2008-05-28 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi all, I'd like to tetst my radius conf with a basic setting. really? looks from the log you posted that you've massively edited the provided config files. why? you've just broken the server. alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: 2.0.4 occasionally loses User-Password attribute?

2008-05-28 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, The thousands of users in the sql-* databases are authenticated fine, the problem only occurs with this one static user. I'm sort of lost here. a long time back i reported a similar issue. we have thousands of users in AD and they are all fine. we have a monitoring user statically defined

Re: newbie - authentication error

2008-05-28 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, here it is : freeradius -X okay. so you didnt edit the config - the package maintainers have edited it in weird ways and broken in. can you please post your radiusd.conf and sites-enabled/default alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: newbie - authentication error

2008-05-28 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : Hi, here it is : freeradius -X okay. so you didnt edit the config - the package maintainers have edited it in weird ways and broken in. can you please post your radiusd.conf and sites-enabled/default there is no sites-enabled/default file.

Re: FR2.0.3 - UCD-SNMP 4.2.7 communication does not work on 64 bits Freebsd (but does on 32 bit Freebsd)

2008-05-28 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Those patches should be in 2.0. Then this does not work for me using FR 2.0.3 and UCD-SNMP 4.2.7 on 64 bits FreeBSD. there are a couple of small patches which arent in 2.0 - i have a small collection of diffs that i was goign to go through to check which ones didnt make it. A

Re: FreeRADIUS 2 not listening on right port

2008-05-28 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Please note, this bug only seems to be present in the F-9 (recently released version 9 of Fedora). For the time being I will build the F-9 FreeRADIUS packages without optimization until this is resolved. is it a case of this bug doing OTHER things to the codebase etc or is it worth

Re: FreeRADIUS 2 not listening on right port

2008-05-28 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, If someone wants to be a guinea pig and run with optimization disabled only on packet.c and see if they have any anomalous behaviour then I'm sure we would all benefit from that experiment, however I cannot in good conscience push such a package into general distribution at this stage.

Re: mysql simultaneous login detection

2008-05-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Extract from my radius.conf file has this :- session { sql } do you use SQL for anything other than simultaneous usage checking - if not, you will need to an sql to the 'instantiate' section to get the engine alive. but there again, radiusd -X will tell you these things in its

Re: Freeradius and Active directory

2008-05-22 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Now I went back to the default configuration and made only a few changes (according to Everything looks much better now, but I still get the wrong password error. ntlm_auth isnt happy - the ouput shows this..


2008-05-22 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, You'll also need a raddb/sites-enabled/inner-tunnel file. It's not installed in 2.0.3. This was fixed in 2.0.4. what is inner-tunnel file intend for ?? it is a virtual server thats only purpose is to look at the stuff inside an EAP tunnel - be that PEAP or EAP-TTLS etc etc. using

Re: Dynamic VLAN and FreeRadius

2008-05-21 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I am trying to get the RADIUS server to not only authenticating the supplicant, but providing the NAS with a VLAN ID. I have tried certain resources and haven't been able to receive the VLAN ID. Can any provide any help in this area? depends on your NAR - you need to send back the

Re: FR2.0.3 - UCD-SNMP 4.2.7 communication does not work on 64 bits Freebsd (but does on 32 bit Freebsd)

2008-05-21 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Do you know if this is a know bug ? Or I missed something. I've tested this behaviour on differents releases (6.3, 6.1 and 7.0) of Freebsd. Seems this is always the same issue (non complete value on 64 bits OS, and behaviour ok on 32 bits. there are a couple of small SNMP patches you may

Re: Testing FreeRaduis

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi all sorry for my english. i'm running a freeradius server on FreeBSD and i wanted to test it but it doesn't work and i don't know why. i have tried this command : *radtest yhsina yhsina @IPserver 1 testing123. radtest username password servername 1812 serversecret eg radtest

Re: Testing FreeRaduis

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi again,i don't have a graphic mode so i can't run 2 terminal. i think that my freeradius server is running cause when i make this command who uses graphics? man screen - you can pop between multiple console sessions with ease...with a single window. you MUST run radiusd in proper, full

Re: Freeradius and Active directory

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Yes, something like that, but working. I've walked through this exact article about 10 times during last two months, but never made it:-( I'm really looking for working howto for months... I checked through it and had a working config. alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: proxy.conf problem: username send with suffix

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, what is wrong in this configuration: you havent configured your SQL to use the Stripped-UserName, you have the default configuration that uses the UserName SQL-User-Name = %{User-Name} or somesuch. depending on your version of radiusd, simply check the sql.conf or dialup.conf file to find

Re: Freeradius and Active directory

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I see a progress, because I have 0xC06A error in my AD log (wrong password). That is a good message, because radius server (understand: my wrong configuration of the server) finally communicates with AD. Hurray! yay! now , dont forgert, depending on how you talk to you rAD you'll

Re: SNMP error

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Can't it be applied to 1.1.7 release, as there are many changes in the conf. files between 1.1.7 and 2.0 ?? it probably could be applied to 1.1.7 source archive if you build it yourself. your distro package maintainer, otherwise, could release a 1.1.7 package with these patches in. It

Re: Testing FreeRaduis

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, thank for you response. i started my radiusd and then i tried : ps aux | grep radius i have no proccess running even radiusd server is starting okay. now run, as the user that you have configured radiusd to run as (eg 'radiusd') the radiusd eg su - radiusd radiusd -x this will show you

Re: Testing FreeRaduis

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Whene i run this command : radiusd -x in the end i have : *Ready to process requests* did you do that as root, or as the user defined in radiusd.conf? if done as root, then it would work. which permission shoud i give to these files and how can i do it ? thank you for your help

Re: Testing FreeRaduis

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, i did this as root . do you run the server as root though? what does radiusd.conf say? what do your init scripts say? for information i have an ldap server wich contains my users. i have find an error in my log file : *rlm_ldap: connection attempt failed* *rlm_ldap: could not start TLS

Re: Testing FreeRaduis

2008-05-20 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, i can't give you c coupy f my radiusd.conf file, because i'm running the server in a machine with no graphic mode. I dont want a copy of the radiusd.conf - just what the user/group entries state in that file. and to send someone a copy, simply copy the config to the system you are

Re: 2 server radius (same configuration), different log messages

2008-05-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, 2 different logs - can only be achieved by 1) you are running different builds of FreeRADIUS or 2) the config files really are different alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Facing problem is configuring freeradius for eap-ts

2008-05-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, you are using Windows version of FreeRADIUS? The certs will need to go into a directory readable by the server - as in eap.conf config file - ie wherever YOU want, that the server can read. normally, and for sake of debugging sanity by anyone who helps on this list, you'd use $RADDB/certs/

Re: freeradius documentation: Auth-Type

2008-05-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi, Sorry for my English. After make some changes in the client.cnf the #make client.pem can't be run. Now the # radiusd -X also got problem. undo your edits, or recover working client.cnf and strt again. any broken certs will also break freeradius - as you can now see. alan -

Re: accounting_onoff_query and acctsessiontime = 0

2008-05-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, CVS version (and hence 2.0.5 release) mysql/dialup.conf WHERE acctstoptime IS NULL peter nixon , iirc, caught this one when the work concerning 0 accounting session stop times was fixed up alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: SNMP error

2008-05-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, just a quick check... the smux.c patches ARE applied to the 2.0.x smux.c (but not part of the last 1.1.7 release). the radius_snmp.c patches - converting an int to a long (handling 64 bit better I'd guess)... havent been incorporated into the 2.0.x tree. alan - List

Re: freeRADIUS and WPA-2 Enterprise

2008-05-17 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, We are trying to setup WPA2 Enterprise authentication to work with the FreeRadius server. We have configured EAP-PEAP authentication. We have installed all the certificates and corrected the EAP.conf certificate paths. We tried to connect from the supplicant from Windows XP. Windows asked

Re: help need with mysql statement in freeradius

2008-05-17 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} = Mac Address Successfully updated in database $RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'}; return RLM_MODULE_OK; # Do some logging. radiusd::radlog(1,rlm_perl:: NEW MAC updated in database.); note the order of

Re: help need with mysql statement in freeradius

2008-05-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, $username = $RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}; $callerid = $RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'}; Is this the right process of getting value from the request ? How can I bypass perl function Authorization, authentication, accounting so that only MAC assignment process will be done by this script?

Re: EAP-TLS cert

2008-05-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I've installed FreeRadius-2.0.4 and run fine. Here a few thing I had editted. Clients.conf client { secret= testing123-1 shortname= private-network-1 } eap { default_eap_type= tls } tls { fragment_size

Re: Feature request procedure?

2008-05-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Is there a procedure to follow to ask for a new feature to be added? ask here :-) I seem to have some sort of anomoly that sqltrace is active in my server even though its not in debug mode. Thats not a big deal. no. that'll be right. sqltrace is nothing directly to do

Re: Attributes for Cisco VPN

2008-05-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I'm installing a Cisco VPN service (using a Catalyst 6500 and a SPA-IPSEC-2G board), and was wondering what attributes the VPN board would accept/understand from the radius server (besides the basic ones like session-timeout), but couldn't find any document answering that. So, could

Re: How to activate the accounting sub section in perl script

2008-05-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, hi, I am doing my AAA in perl script for radius 2.0.3, can anybody please tell how do I activate my accounting subsection in my perl program, I didn't find any execution of my queries in the accounting sub section in my perl script. add perl to the accouting section in whatever

Re: FreeRADIUS 2 not listening on right port

2008-05-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I tried hardcoding them in the listen section. Same result. TBH, I've compiled release and CVS versions of freeradius 1.1.x and 2.0.x on centos, fedora core, RHEL3, ubuntu 7 and 8 and have never seen this issue before. you running SELinux or some sort of security tool? alan - List

Re: FreeRADIUS 2 not listening on right port

2008-05-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Casartello, Thomas wrote: I tried hardcoding them in the listen section. Same result. 64bit machine? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: FreeRADIUS 2 not listening on right port

2008-05-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I'm running FC9, by the way... maybe that explains this sudden amount of same problems, since the FC9 release was on tuesday. yep. havent tested FC9 - wonder what they've changed to make such a change in port behaviour.. alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: FreeRADIUS 2 not listening on right port

2008-05-15 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Maybe someone running FC9 could try debugging the problem. as, no doubt, one of my systems will be FC9 in a short while I could look att his - what exactly should I be looking for? i'll dig around for the new features and changes they've made. alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Version 2 running on Red Hat 5

2008-05-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, All, Is someone being able to run version 2 on Red Hat 5.x? yes - what is your problem with it? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: uninstall freeradius

2008-05-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi, Thanks for keep assisting me. Right now I want to remove the freeradius from the server and re-intall version 2.0.4. For freeradius-2.0.2 and 2.05, I use CVS command to install it as mention in my previous email. So if I want to remove it by using what command? pretend to

Re: freeRADIUS and WPA-2 Enterprise

2008-05-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, All, I have recently set up a freeRADIUS v2 server and would like some help configuring the server to use WPA-2 Enterprise. I was wondering if anyone had any tutorials, .conf files, etc. that would assist me in setting up my server with the correct configuration. I have noticed some

Re: EAP-TTLS + PAP with external script

2008-05-14 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, authorize { preprocess suffix eap pap papauth } pap really should go at the end - i believe the default config mentions this...with maybe exclaimation marks or capital letters? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: 0 Session Length, radrelay or Freeradius causing issues

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hello List, I have asked this before ( and Alan DeKok did say that I should place those accounting packets in a different Acct-Type, but that was when I did not wish to log the information but I now need to

Re: Freeraius in debug mode

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi! Is it possible to run freeradius in debug mode to have all debug (clients request) information in log file. It is not usable to have open console with freeradius -Xf command. redirect the output to a log file instead then... eg radiusd -X

Re: radiusd process vanishes on higher load

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I'm using a FreeRadius setup (V 1.1.3-3 from Debian etch) with the MySQL Backend for authorize and accounting. RADIUS packets are coming from another company, which /probably/ has a Proxy for their delivery front-end servers. This setup usually works fine, but on some days I see

new CVS version is a little quiet....

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, recently upgraded a 2.0.4 CVS system to the 2.0.5 CVS and now the radius.log doesnt get populated with any OK or FAIL messages when users log in. config log{} section as per the standard distro and unchanged from the 2.0.4 - which logged these things auth = yes in the log{} section

Re: new CVS version is a little quiet....

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Which messages? the old classic: Thu May 1 05:23:50 2008 : Auth: Login incorrect (rlm_pap: CLEAR TEXT password check failed): [nagios-2] (from client server1 port 0) Thu May 1 08:12:52 2008 : Auth: Login OK: [nagiostest] (from client amon port 0) Thu May 1 08:15:51 2008 : Auth:

Re: new CVS version is a little quiet....

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, further to last messageusers would choose to log the auths in radius.log but dont want to log good passwords or bad passwords... have submitted a 'bug' to handle the DIFF alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Move from text to SQL(Postgresql)

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hey Tuc, Regarding your issue, check the radiusd.conf file, in the modules{} section for the pap module settings, you probably have it set to encryption_scheme = crypt, if so, change it to clear. No, its the standard : pap { auto_header = no

Re: Load testing tool recommendation

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Nope, no wireless involved. Good thought though! :) its not doing DNS lookups each time is it? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: stripping domain from username (for wifi authentication on Windows XP)

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hello everyone, I am using freeradius to have my wifi network use my LDAP credentials for authentication.  However, Windows has this glorious default setting that automatically passes the domain username and password to the radius server to authenticate for wifi access.  While I

Re: Move from text to SQL(Postgresql)

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, +- entering group authorize ++[preprocess] returns ok ++[chap] returns noop ++[mschap] returns noop rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = tuc, looking up realm NULL rlm_realm: No such realm NULL ++[suffix] returns noop rlm_eap: No EAP-Message, not doing EAP

Re: EAP-TTLS + PAP with external script

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, you're not authorising the user. theres nothing to allow them access in the authorise section. modcall: entering group authorize for request 9 modcall[authorize]: module preprocess returns ok for request 9 rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = testa, looking up realm NULL rlm_realm:

Re: Load testing tool recommendation

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hmm.. I *am* referencing the radius server with FQDN ... Lemme flip that switch and see what I get to play with ... Good catch .. It's letting me ship some more packets through per second.. no final figures yet, but starting to hit 5k pkts/sec, though the radius server is still not

Re: EAP-TLS can't get connected..etc.

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I installed the Freeradius 2.0.4 as Mr. Alan DeKok had suggested I browse and run below command. #cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/source login CVS password: anoncvs nothing happen and return to # 'nothing' should happen as all you've done is log into a CVS session

Re: EAP-TLS can't get connected..etc.

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Kwok Sianbin wrote: ... got some errors btool: install: error: cannot install to a directory not ending in /usr/local/lib/lib In 10 years of fighting libtool, I have *never* seen this error. I have no idea what this means.

Re: OpenSSL Security in Debian Ubuntu since 2006

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, thankyou Alan for your responsible reporting of this issue, as anyone using FreeRADIUS with EAP-TLS etc will be using OpenSSL anyone on any platform with a weak key method needs to know this issue. I note that various OpenSSL-using tools are being updated to detect such weak keys - eg

Re: User-Password formats

2008-05-13 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, incorrect shared secret between FR server and WLC? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Can't get the value of 'Digest-User-name', 'Digest-Realm', 'Digest-Method', 'Digest-Uri', 'Digest-Nonce'.

2008-05-12 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I check all the clients attributes and start sending the Digest attributes.. now the problem is I can't get those attributes in my perl code by accessing using RAD_REQUEST or RAD_CHECK, so that I can calculate my ha1, ha2 for md5 encryption. looking at your log... User-Name

Re: Freeradius web down?

2008-05-11 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Dear Alan o Ivan: I am trying to download module from but I think it's down now. is a precompile shared library file. do you mean the main package? if so, is fine here alan - List

Re: Altering extra table in SQL module

2008-05-09 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi List In my accounting_start_query I would like to update another table in the same database with the NASIPAddress. What would be the best way to do this? Could I add a ; at the end of the query and add another one to the same quoted string or should I use the exec() module?

Re: problem with postgres and 2.0.4

2008-05-06 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Add a server column to the schema, or to the query, with NULL value. didnt work. as hinted at, rlm_sql now has a num_fields thing to see if you've used 5 or 6 rows. if you use 5, you're normal, if you've used 6 then the new field is the virtual server. hmmmtoo dumb really, but I'll

problem with postgres and 2.0.4

2008-05-05 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, anyone else noted this - i'll file a bug if theres another noted problem. we are using the database to hold NAS entries. just upgraded to 2.0.4 and radiusd wont start. log shows this: Mon May 5 14:55:55 2008 : Info: rlm_sql (xbase): Driver rlm_sql_postgresql (module rlm_sql_postgresql)

Re: freeradius 2.0.4 and peap

2008-05-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Ivan Kalik escribió: You have experlty deleted all the relevant information from the debug and your configuration. Post the complete debug. I solved the problem commenting the line virtual_server = inner-tunnel in the peap section of eap.conf which means you are not using the

Re: FR failing

2008-05-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, We have two FR servers (running 1.1.15) on Red Hat machines. 1.1.5 ? upgrade to 1.1.7 to fix lots of known bugs/issues alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Weird shared secret issues

2008-05-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, are you sure that there isnt a legacy secret entry in clients.conf file? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Strategy Advice

2008-05-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Don't know if this is an issue for you, but: Cisco equipment does not support command authorization via RADIUS (*any* RADIUS...) [for pure business greed reasons]. So if you really need per-command authorization, you'll have to stick with TACACS+ which, sadly, is well catered by ACS.

Re: Weird shared secret issues

2008-05-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, It still leaves one item open. I can't seem to get radclient to be able to take the NAS-IP-Address and then the secret for that NAS-IP-Address. It seems no matter what, it wants to use the secret for the localhost. Is this how its supposed to work, or is there a bug somewhere?

Re: Weird shared secret issues

2008-05-04 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Tech calls in and say that he can't get an appliance working in the field. I ask him what secret he's using and the IP address of the appliance. I want to be able to be locally logged onto the radius server and use radtest/radclient/rad to be able to query radius asking If

Re: Dot1x on cisco 3560

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi i have problems again with authentication , i trying to use freeradius and cisco 802.1x. Windows said authentication error. This is my users file: Cleartext-Password := Pl Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User, cisco-avpair = shell:priv-lvl=15 yyy

Re: Dot1x on cisco 3560

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I using MD5 challange on windows autentication, i need put NT-HASH on users file? Anyone has 802.1x configured with free radius? yes - 2,000 edge ports and 360 APs. dealing with 2,100 concurrent users. how are you doing MD5 challenge on windows authentication, 3rd party supplicant?

Re: Dot1x on cisco 3560

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Cleartext-Password := Pl Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User, cisco-avpair = shell:priv-lvl=15 ^ this sort of stuff it for admin access to the switch Sending Access-Challenge of id 60 to

Re: Dot1x on cisco 3560

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, ignore my question about MD5 - too ealry int he day ;-) yes, windows standard OS uspplicant will do MD5 on the wired as an EAP-Type. though why you'd use MD5 is beyond me as its totally broken ;-) alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Dot1x on cisco 3560

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Are you using certificates? or MD5 challenge ? PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2 I think that you are using LDAP or MySQL to manage your users. thanks for guessing. but no, we use Active Directory with ntlm_auth What do you have in your users files. very very little. and at this point in time your

Re: Dot1x on cisco 3560

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Mmmm is curious: 04-25-2008 10:27:16 Local7.Warning 67648: 070624: *Apr 14 13:06:59: %RADIUS-4-RADIUS_ALIVE: RADIUS server,1813 has returned. 04-25-2008 10:27:16 Local7.Warning 67647:

Re: Need to check Freeradius V1.1.4

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Dear all, I need to perform some changes in our post-auth process. We need to check a value in a sql database. If value = XX , i need to add a reply item. We already have links to the radius database for ip-pool but we need to connect to an other database to achieve this.

Re: a newbie testing freeradius need help

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi all, I installed new version of openssl and built the radius with the following command ./configure --with-openssl-includes=/usr/local/include/openssl \ --with-openssl-libraries=/usr/local/lib \ --prefix=/usr/local/radius could you pipe that above command through gerp eg

Re: a newbie testing freeradius need help

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Before my original post i relied on the pre packed version of the openssl, then when i wanted to use eapol_test, it asked for a openssl, then i installed a new one. After the first (eapol_test) test failed, you suggested to use the one that come with the distribution... but i didnt

Re: Start at boot Freeradius

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, When I try to add my FR at BOOT from my Linux with chkconfig, it's sends and follow error: # service radiusd does not support chkconfig have you put the radiusd init script into eg /etc/init.d/ ? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Have some questions - new to FreeRadius

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, more output This came after the service was running a while.. in your users file you have a line like DEFAULT auth-Type == System if you dont use /etc/passwd etc for auth, remove it alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Radius-based windows authentication

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Phil Mayers wrote: Is the windows machine a domain member? No it's not. Only the users are. ? When you sit at the login screen, and press ctrl+alt+del, are you logging in with a username and password which is checked against the domain controllers? If so, then the machine

Re: Start at boot Freeradius

2008-04-25 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Yes, radiusd its in /etc/init.d from $src/scripts/rc.radiusd? yes, i think i can see the issue. ensure that the top of the radiusd file contains eg #!/bin/sh # # chkconfig: - 88 10 # description: Start/Stop the RADIUS server daemon alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: PROXY based on NAS

2008-04-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Is there a method to do NAS based RADIUS proxying? It would be handy to have some server side control like this. yes. you act on the NAS-IP-Address value - either in unlang or with some PERL or python etc. then update the control attribute to set its proxy realm internally then let

Re: Problems with freeradius 802.1x and Cisco Catalyst 3560

2008-04-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi i have some problems with authentication in Freeradius with Cisco Catalyst 3560 and 802.1x configuration. Freeradius -X -A tell me: Ignoring request from unknown client so it doesnt know about the client. but there is an entry in the clients.conf file - did you

Re: Problems with freeradius 802.1x and Cisco Catalyst 3560

2008-04-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Yes have i restarted service when i change my clients.conf which clients.conf did you edit? /etc/freeradius/clients.conf ? alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Problems with freeradius 802.1x and Cisco Catalyst 3560

2008-04-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
ls -la /etc/freeradius alan - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: User-Name attribute being evaluated as regular expression???

2008-04-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, I'm wondering why you are doing all of that attr rewriting when various of the modules will do the donkey work for you - ntdomain, prefix etc and provide the real user-name you want. a much cleaner few lines of unlang would also do the job in FR 2.x we've managed to remove 3 of our

Re: Problems with freeradius 802.1x and Cisco Catalyst 3560

2008-04-24 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
hi, just a wild stab in the dark. { secret = mecago shortname = cisco3560 nastype = other } change that to { secret = mecago shortname = cisco3560 nastype = other } or { secret = mecago

Re: MS-CHAP-Error

2008-04-23 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Sending Access-Request of id 7 to port 1812 Service-Type = Framed-User Framed-Protocol = PPP User-Name = test MS-CHAP-Challenge = 0xSNIP MS-CHAP2-Response = 0xSNIP Calling-Station-Id = NAS-IP-Address =

Re: It is possible to limit the maximum number of same users allowed online?

2008-04-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, hi, I have mounted a freeradius server whith mysql. It is possible to limit the maximum number of same users (or sessions) allowed online? and if this is possiblem, how can i do it? I need that only one user can login one time at same time. you need to check the simultaneous use

Re: Freeradius/Netscreen help

2008-04-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Mario Carassale wrote: I have freeradius running fine and i want to authenticate a netscreen firewall against it. My question is, how can i get user privileges from the radius when a user logs into the firewall? Reads the NAS documentation to see what it needs. Configure

Re: rlm_perl , unlang and Exec-Wait with Perl

2008-04-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, If things are done mainly using SQL, for eg. IP address management, then unlang seems to be doing more or less the same work(easily) a sophisticated Perl script could do. However my question is about performance and about how fast scalable this kind of a setup compared to a Perl

Re: clients can't authenticate in FR 2.0.3

2008-04-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, I have tried to configure the 2.0.3 because they said to me in the forum that the VISTA works with a version superior to the 2. With version 2.0.3 or the 2.0.2 it does not allow me to connect nothing. Can't connect XP, VISTA or CE clients. I cannot connect anything. any 2.x version

Re: FreeRADIUS + 802.1X wireless rollout questions

2008-04-18 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Questions: 1. Do any of you have feedback/thoughts/experience on how our freeradius server may handle the auth. request load given our situation? we currently deal with 600 concurrent wireless users and 5000 concurrent wired users. the FR shows no sign of stress (after initial tweaks)

Re: newbie on radiustesting !

2008-04-17 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, By the way does this excerpt from the top page of radiusd.conf tell anything about the problem? you are not getting undefined symbols...your uid and gid arent above 6000 etc etc so none of it applies While changing the eap.conf by accident the group was changed to root instead

Re: newbie on radiustesting, Buxey and Hood

2008-04-17 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, By the way: What would be the difference having the proposal of Andrew Hood performed: find /etc/raddb/ -type d -exec chmod ug+x {} \; compared to the proposal of Alan Buxey: chmod -R ugo+x /etc/raddb/certs I am not so familiar with the /-type d/ part of the find command Would

Re: newbie on radiustesting ! Now, Buxey!

2008-04-17 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Now we are getting somewhere: yep. Listening on authentication *:1812 Listening on accounting *:1813 Listening on proxy *:1814 Ready to process requests. ^ this means its all alive and working! What do you think about this? You must have done something

Re: rlm_perl , unlang and Exec-Wait with Perl

2008-04-17 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, How could one compare between Rlm_perl and Unlang(or any other relevant module) for performance. I've read in that rlm_perl supports muliple instances and threads allowing faster processing. How is it with policies done using unlang?

Re: SQL log accounting and post_auth

2008-04-16 Thread A . L . M . Buxey
Hi, Hi, I want to log accounting information and post-auth information in my sql database. I have an MSSQL database. In my accounting section I uncomment sql and sql_log. In post_auth section I uncomment sql and sql_log too. Here is the result I receive with debug mode if you want to use

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