
I am getting the following errors during authentiacation for my username 
Note that my client is and radius clients password is FutureRadius.

Packet is reaching radius server and discarded with reject message. Please 
check what i am missing.

I am pasting the console output of /usr/local/sbin/radiusd -X

main {
        prefix = "/usr/local"
        localstatedir = "/usr/local/var"
        logdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius"
        libdir = "/usr/local/lib"
        radacctdir = "/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct"
        hostname_lookups = no
        max_request_time = 30
        cleanup_delay = 5
        max_requests = 1024
        allow_core_dumps = no
        pidfile = "/usr/local/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid"
        checkrad = "/usr/local/sbin/checkrad"
        debug_level = 0
        proxy_requests = no
 log {
        stripped_names = no
        auth = no
        auth_badpass = no
        auth_goodpass = no
 security {
        max_attributes = 200
        reject_delay = 1
        status_server = yes
 client {
        require_message_authenticator = no
        secret = "FutureRadius"
        shortname = "fs"
        nastype = "other"
 client {
        require_message_authenticator = no
        secret = "testing123"
        shortname = "localhost"
        nastype = "other"
radiusd: #### Loading Realms and Home Servers ####
radiusd: #### Instantiating modules ####
 instantiate {
 Module: Linked to module rlm_exec
 Module: Instantiating exec
  exec {
        wait = no
        input_pairs = "request"
        shell_escape = yes
 Module: Linked to module rlm_expr
 Module: Instantiating expr
 Module: Linked to module rlm_expiration
 Module: Instantiating expiration
  expiration {
        reply-message = "Password Has Expired  "
 Module: Linked to module rlm_logintime
 Module: Instantiating logintime
  logintime {
        reply-message = "You are calling outside your allowed timespan  "
        minimum-timeout = 60
radiusd: #### Loading Virtual Servers ####
 modules {
radiusd: #### Opening IP addresses and Ports ####
listen {
        type = "auth"
        ipaddr = *
        port = 0
listen {
        type = "acct"
        ipaddr = *
        port = 0
Listening on authentication address * port 1812
Listening on accounting address * port 1813
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 49152, id=21, length=95
        User-Name = "n...@future.com<mailto:n...@future.com>"
        EAP-Message = 0x02010013016e6577406675747572652e636f6d
        Message-Authenticator = 0xc0813a0980c7aeafbba8283f892d0d7f
        NAS-Identifier = "fsNas1"
        NAS-Port = 4
        NAS-Port-Type = Ethernet
No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the request: 
Rejecting the user
Failed to authenticate the user.
Delaying reject of request 0 for 1 seconds
Going to the next request
Waking up in 0.9 seconds.
Sending delayed reject for request 0
Sending Access-Reject of id 21 to port 49152
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
Cleaning up request 0 ID 21 with timestamp +55
Ready to process requests.
Please find my clients.conf and users attached


"DISCLAIMER: This message is proprietary to Aricent and is intended solely for 
the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged or 
confidential information and should not be circulated or used for any purpose 
other than for what it is intended. If you have received this message in 
error,please notify the originator immediately. If you are not the intended 
recipient, you are notified that you are strictly prohibited from using, 
copying, altering, or disclosing the contents of this message. Aricent accepts 
no responsibility for loss or damage arising from the use of the information 
transmitted by this email including damage from virus."
#       Please read the documentation file ../doc/processing_users_file,
#       or 'man 5 users' (after installing the server) for more information.
#       This file contains authentication security and configuration
#       information for each user.  Accounting requests are NOT processed
#       through this file.  Instead, see 'acct_users', in this directory.
#       The first field is the user's name and can be up to
#       253 characters in length.  This is followed (on the same line) with
#       the list of authentication requirements for that user.  This can
#       include password, comm server name, comm server port number, protocol
#       type (perhaps set by the "hints" file), and huntgroup name (set by
#       the "huntgroups" file).
#       If you are not sure why a particular reply is being sent by the
#       server, then run the server in debugging mode (radiusd -X), and
#       you will see which entries in this file are matched.
#       When an authentication request is received from the comm server,
#       these values are tested. Only the first match is used unless the
#       "Fall-Through" variable is set to "Yes".
#       A special user named "DEFAULT" matches on all usernames.
#       You can have several DEFAULT entries. All entries are processed
#       in the order they appear in this file. The first entry that
#       matches the login-request will stop processing unless you use
#       the Fall-Through variable.
#       If you use the database support to turn this file into a .db or .dbm
#       file, the DEFAULT entries _have_ to be at the end of this file and
#       you can't have multiple entries for one username.
#       You don't need to specify a password if you set Auth-Type += System
#       on the list of authentication requirements. The RADIUS server
#       will then check the system password file.
#       Indented (with the tab character) lines following the first
#       line indicate the configuration values to be passed back to
#       the comm server to allow the initiation of a user session.
#       This can include things like the PPP configuration values
#       or the host to log the user onto.
#       You can include another `users' file with `$INCLUDE users.other'

#       For a list of RADIUS attributes, and links to their definitions,
#       see:
#       http://www.freeradius.org/rfc/attributes.html

# Deny access for a specific user.  Note that this entry MUST
# be before any other 'Auth-Type' attribute which results in the user
# being authenticated.
# Note that there is NO 'Fall-Through' attribute, so the user will not
# be given any additional resources.
#lameuser       Auth-Type := Reject
#               Reply-Message = "Your account has been disabled."

# Deny access for a group of users.
# Note that there is NO 'Fall-Through' attribute, so the user will not
# be given any additional resources.
#DEFAULT        Group == "disabled", Auth-Type := Reject
#               Reply-Message = "Your account has been disabled."

# This is a complete entry for "steve". Note that there is no Fall-Through
# entry so that no DEFAULT entry will be used, and the user will NOT
# get any attributes in addition to the ones listed here.
#steve  Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "testing"
#       Service-Type = Framed-User,
#       Framed-Protocol = PPP,
#       Framed-IP-Address =,
#       Framed-IP-Netmask =,
#       Framed-Routing = Broadcast-Listen,
#       Framed-Filter-Id = "std.ppp",
#       Framed-MTU = 1500,
#       Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP

# This is an entry for a user with a space in their name.
# Note the double quotes surrounding the name.
#"John Doe"     Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "hello"
#               Reply-Message = "Hello, %u"
"ho...@future.com" Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password == "hostC123"
"ho...@future.com" Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password == "hostB123"
"i...@future.com" Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password == "iss123"
"n...@future.com" Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password == "new"
"iss" Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "iss123"

# Dial user back and telnet to the default host for that port
#Deg    Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "ge55ged"
#       Service-Type = Callback-Login-User,
#       Login-IP-Host =,
#       Callback-Number = "9,5551212",
#       Login-Service = Telnet,
#       Login-TCP-Port = Telnet

# Another complete entry. After the user "dialbk" has logged in, the
# connection will be broken and the user will be dialed back after which
# he will get a connection to the host "timeshare1".
#dialbk Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == "callme"
#       Service-Type = Callback-Login-User,
#       Login-IP-Host = timeshare1,
#       Login-Service = PortMaster,
#       Callback-Number = "9,1-800-555-1212"

# user "swilson" will only get a static IP number if he logs in with
# a framed protocol on a terminal server in Alphen (see the huntgroups file).
# Note that by setting "Fall-Through", other attributes will be added from
# the following DEFAULT entries
#swilson        Service-Type == Framed-User, Huntgroup-Name == "alphen"
#               Framed-IP-Address =,
#               Fall-Through = Yes

# If the user logs in as 'username.shell', then authenticate them
# against the system database, give them shell access, and stop processing
# the rest of the file.
#DEFAULT        Suffix == ".shell", Auth-Type := System
#               Service-Type = Login-User,
#               Login-Service = Telnet,
#               Login-IP-Host = your.shell.machine

# The rest of this file contains the several DEFAULT entries.
# DEFAULT entries match with all login names.
# Note that DEFAULT entries can also Fall-Through (see first entry).
# A name-value pair from a DEFAULT entry will _NEVER_ override
# an already existing name-value pair.

# First setup all accounts to be checked against the UNIX /etc/passwd.
# (Unless a password was already given earlier in this file).
DEFAULT Auth-Type = System
        Fall-Through = 1

# Set up different IP address pools for the terminal servers.
# Note that the "+" behind the IP address means that this is the "base"
# IP address. The Port-Id (S0, S1 etc) will be added to it.
#DEFAULT        Service-Type == Framed-User, Huntgroup-Name == "alphen"
#               Framed-IP-Address =,
#               Fall-Through = Yes

#DEFAULT        Service-Type == Framed-User, Huntgroup-Name == "delft"
#               Framed-IP-Address =,
#               Fall-Through = Yes

# Defaults for all framed connections.
DEFAULT Service-Type == Framed-User
        Framed-IP-Address =,
        Framed-MTU = 576,
        Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Fall-Through = Yes

# Default for PPP: dynamic IP address, PPP mode, VJ-compression.
# NOTE: we do not use Hint = "PPP", since PPP might also be auto-detected
#       by the terminal server in which case there may not be a "P" suffix.
#       The terminal server sends "Framed-Protocol = PPP" for auto PPP.
DEFAULT Framed-Protocol == PPP
        Framed-Protocol = PPP,
        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

# Default for CSLIP: dynamic IP address, SLIP mode, VJ-compression.
        Framed-Protocol = SLIP,
        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

# Default for SLIP: dynamic IP address, SLIP mode.
        Framed-Protocol = SLIP

# Last default: rlogin to our main server.
#       Service-Type = Login-User,
#       Login-Service = Rlogin,
#       Login-IP-Host = shellbox.ispdomain.com

# #
# # Last default: shell on the local terminal server.
# #
#       Service-Type = Shell-User

# On no match, the user is denied access.
# clients.conf - client configuration directives
# This file is included by default.  To disable it, you will need
# to modify the CLIENTS CONFIGURATION section of "radiusd.conf".

#  Definition of a RADIUS client (usually a NAS).
#  The information given here over rides anything given in the 'clients'
#  file, or in the 'naslist' file.  The configuration here contains
#  all of the information from those two files, and also allows for more
#  configuration items.
#  The "shortname" can be used for logging, and the "nastype",
#  "login" and "password" fields are mainly used for checkrad and are
#  optional.

#  Defines a RADIUS client.  The format is 'client [hostname|ip-address]'
#  '' is another name for 'localhost'.  It is enabled by default,
#  to allow testing of the server after an initial installation.  If you
#  are not going to be permitting RADIUS queries from localhost, we suggest
#  that you delete, or comment out, this entry.
client {
        #  The shared secret use to "encrypt" and "sign" packets between
        #  the NAS and FreeRADIUS.  You MUST change this secret from the
        #  default, otherwise it's not a secret any more!
        #  The secret can be any string, up to 32 characters in length.
        secret          = FutureRadius

        #  The short name is used as an alias for the fully qualified
        #  domain name, or the IP address.
        shortname       = fs

        # the following three fields are optional, but may be used by
        # checkrad.pl for simultaneous use checks

        # The nastype tells 'checkrad.pl' which NAS-specific method to
        #  use to query the NAS for simultaneous use.
        #  Permitted NAS types are:
        #       cisco
        #       computone
        #       livingston
        #       max40xx
        #       multitech
        #       netserver
        #       pathras
        #       patton
        #       portslave
        #       tc
        #       usrhiper
        #       other           # for all other types

        nastype     = other     # localhost isn't usually a NAS...

        #  The following two configurations are for future use.
        #  The 'naspasswd' file is currently used to store the NAS
        #  login name and password, which is used by checkrad.pl
        #  when querying the NAS for simultaneous use.
#       login       = !root
#       password    = someadminpas
client {
        #  The shared secret use to "encrypt" and "sign" packets between
        #  the NAS and FreeRADIUS.  You MUST change this secret from the
        #  default, otherwise it's not a secret any more!
        #  The secret can be any string, up to 32 characters in length.
        secret          = testing123

        #  The short name is used as an alias for the fully qualified
        #  domain name, or the IP address.
        shortname       = localhost

        # the following three fields are optional, but may be used by
        # checkrad.pl for simultaneous use checks

        # The nastype tells 'checkrad.pl' which NAS-specific method to
        #  use to query the NAS for simultaneous use.
        #  Permitted NAS types are:
        #       cisco
        #       computone
        #       livingston
        #       max40xx
        #       multitech
        #       netserver
        #       pathras
        #       patton
        #       portslave
        #       tc
        #       usrhiper
        #       other           # for all other types

        nastype     = other     # localhost isn't usually a NAS...

        #  The following two configurations are for future use.
        #  The 'naspasswd' file is currently used to store the NAS
        #  login name and password, which is used by checkrad.pl
        #  when querying the NAS for simultaneous use.
#       login       = !root
#       password    = someadminpas

#client some.host.org {
#       secret          = testing123
#       shortname       = localhost

#  You can now specify one secret for a network of clients.
#  When a client request comes in, the BEST match is chosen.
#  i.e. The entry from the smallest possible network.
#client {
#       secret          = testing123-1
#       shortname       = private-network-1
#client {
#       secret          = testing123-2
#       shortname       = private-network-2

#client {
#       # secret and password are mapped through the "secrets" file.
#       secret      = testing123
#       shortname   = liv1
#       # the following three fields are optional, but may be used by
#       # checkrad.pl for simultaneous usage checks
#       nastype     = livingston
#       login       = !root
#       password    = someadminpas

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