RES: RES: Installation problem

2008-08-06 Thread Frederick William Borges Pohl
Thanks again, Alan. Radius is now running and working fine. I tested it using radtest radtest fpohl password localhost 1812 password and I got an OK result rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=162, length=20 My question is now regarding users. The user fpohl is

RES: Installation problem

2008-08-06 Thread Frederick William Borges Pohl
Thanks again, Alan. Radius is now running and working fine. I tested it using radtest radtest fpohl password localhost 1812 password and I got an OK result rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=162, length=20 My question is now regarding users. The user fpohl is

User restriction

2008-08-06 Thread Frederick William Borges Pohl
Thanks again, Alan. Radius is now running and working fine. I tested it using radtest radtest fpohl password localhost 1812 password and I got an OK result rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=162, length=20 My question is now regarding users. The user fpohl

RES: Installation problem

2008-08-05 Thread Frederick William Borges Pohl
Alan Thanks for the tip. After running /sbin/ldconfig -v , I was able to execute radiusd. The only weird thing is that the daemon is not showing when I type ps aux. Even after running /usr/sbin/radiusd, nothing happens. My ps aux | grep radiusd shows only the following: root 25770 0.0

Installation problem

2008-08-04 Thread Frederick William Borges Pohl
Hello, I am rather new to freeradius and I´m having trouble running the server after installation I installed using: ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc Make Make install When I try running with radiusd I get the following error: /usr/local/sbin/radiusd: error while loading shared