Hello All!, im newbie in RADIUS, I have installed freeradius and I want to configure it to work as AAA with CISCO AV-PAIRS. I have a program that send request as a radius client and the attributes what I send is:
Authenticantion: I send to radius: ==>ACCESS REQUEST ==>USERNAME:xxxxxxxx(8 digits) ==>PASSWORD:xxxx(4 digits) ==>VENDOR: Cisco-AVPair I recive from radius if: <==ACCESS ACCEPT <==Cisco-AVPair=' h323--credit-amount=xx' <==Cisco-AVPair=' h323-return-code=X' else: <==ACCESS REJECT Radius use a mysql database to process this Authentication. I apreciate any help in configure freeradius as shown. Greetings, - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html