recently set up freeradius-1.0.1. I'm trying to set up a simple MAC-address based allow/deny (NAS is a cisco AP1200). I'm using the sql method for authorization, which works fine. All I care about is an allow or deny based on the hardware address of the NIC, I don't need joe user to supply a username/pw.

Problem is, to add an additional MAC address I have to add another entry into the SQL database (handles the authorization part) and add an entry into the users file (handles the authentication part), then kick the radius server over. I'd like it if I could just update the SQL database with new MAC addresses and not have to kick the radius server or have to maintain the local users file for the authentication part.

The docs say "sql" isn't an authentication option. Can I just turn off all the authentication methods in radiusd.conf and rely on the authorization pass/fail, and eliminate that whole part of the process? Or, is there another way to get around the radius server eventually falling back to the users file for the authentication part? Again, as things stand I have to maintain the very same info in two different locations, SQL and users, and that seems !bueno.

Apologies if this is a dumb thing to ask: been through the docs & mailing list archives and I'm not seeing the answer for my particular situation.

Thanks for any hints!

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