Re: windowsXP+LDAP+freeradius

2006-09-07 Thread Muthu
ory of freeradius. Use that certificate for the eap.conf configuration, where you will have to enable at least the tls { } part, and either peap or ttls, depending on what supplicant you use on the Win XP side. The built-in supplicant (not recommended, but working) is using peap. Greetings, Stefan Win


2006-09-06 Thread Muthu
freeradius sever. Is this possible?. If possible, can you please give me the idea how to do this. Thanks and Regards, Muthu. - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See


2006-07-09 Thread Muthu
the below command *radtest username "password" localhost 1 testing123 * Output: === sysnet-gateway25 ~ # radtest muthu "password" localhost 2 testing123 Sending Access-Request of id 130 to port 1812 User-Name = "muthu" User-Password = &qu