I'm trying to install run freeradius on SuSE 9.2 Pro but when I try running
using   /usr/sbin/radiusd -sfxxyz I get the following error message:

radiusd:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/lib/freeradius
radiusd.conf[1367] Failed to link to module 'rlm_exec': rlm_exec.a: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

however ls shows:

callisto:/etc # ls -la /usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   11 Feb 12
08:32 /usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec-1.0.0.la -> rlm_exec.la
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 7002 Oct  5  2004 /usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec.a
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  701 Oct  5  2004 /usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec.la

I have the following rpms installed:


and radiusd.conf is jsut the SuSE 9.2 default at the moment

The full output from radiusd startup is below.

Can anyone help me track down where I have gone wrong.



***** radiusd -sfxxyg output *****
callisto:/etc # /usr/sbin/radiusd -sfxxyz
Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config:  reading radiusd.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/eap.conf
Config:   including file: /etc/raddb/sql.conf
  main: prefix = "/usr"
  main: localstatedir = "/var"
  main: logdir = "/var/log/radius"
  main: libdir = "/usr/lib/freeradius"
  main: radacctdir = "/var/log/radius/radacct"
  main: hostname_lookups = no
  main: max_request_time = 30
  main: cleanup_delay = 5
  main: max_requests = 1024
  main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
  main: port = 0
  main: allow_core_dumps = no
  main: log_stripped_names = no
  main: log_file = "/var/log/radius/radius.log"
  main: log_auth = no
  main: log_auth_badpass = no
  main: log_auth_goodpass = no
  main: pidfile = "/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid"
  main: user = "radiusd"
  main: group = "radiusd"
  main: usercollide = no
  main: lower_user = "no"
  main: lower_pass = "no"
  main: nospace_user = "no"
  main: nospace_pass = "no"
  main: checkrad = "/usr/sbin/checkrad"
  main: proxy_requests = yes
  proxy: retry_delay = 5
  proxy: retry_count = 3
  proxy: synchronous = no
  proxy: default_fallback = yes
  proxy: dead_time = 120
  proxy: post_proxy_authorize = yes
  proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
  security: max_attributes = 200
  security: reject_delay = 1
  security: status_server = no
  main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  reading dictionary
read_config_files:  reading naslist
read_config_files:  reading clients
read_config_files:  reading realms
radiusd:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/lib/freeradius
radiusd.conf[1367] Failed to link to module 'rlm_exec': rlm_exec.a: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

fn:Neil Muller
org:Neologix Pty Ltd
adr:;;PO Box 3183;Weston Creek;ACT;2611;Australia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:02 6287 5900
tel;fax:02 6287 5911
tel;cell:0408 977 976

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