I'm working an wireless network for our local city. I'm using freeRadius
1.0.1 on a Debian server and Alchemy 6.0 with ChilliSpot on Linksys
accesspoints. Everything's working fine but I've a little problem with
the accouting function on freeRadius.

Everything (including the radacct) is stored in a MySQL database. Every
user is in a group with following attributes in radgroupreply:
Session-Timeout := 10800
Idle-Timeout := 900

Now I've following problem. If a user disconnects without loggin off
from the system over the CilliSpot Logoff-URL the user will be kept
online (AcctStopTime = 0) in the radacct. Even the Session-Timeout seems
not to work properly. May it be I've forgotten a special setting or an
another attribute?

But I had an interesting experience. A Session-Timeout about 5-10
minutes seems to work, but the current Session-Timeout doesn't work.

Perhaps someone can help me out...that would be fine.

If you need more information please ask for them, I'll give it to you.

Sebastian Steinhauer 

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