In FreeRADIUS version 1.x I was able to add a vendor specific AV pair to
an Access-Accept message based on the User-Name. Users are *not*
specifying a realm, therefore the FR 1.x server proxies all requests to
another RADIUS server by virtue of the NULL stanza in the proxy.conf
file. The post_proxy_authorize directive is set to "yes" inside
proxy.conf, so the users file is processed twice (on request and


The FR 1.x users file contains an entry similar to the following:


foo User-Name == "foo"

        Vendor-User-Group += "bar"


When user foo successfully authenticates, the Vendor-User-Group
attribute is passed from FR to the NAS with the value "bar".

I want to set the value of the Vendor-User-Group attribute based on the
User-Name. I do not want the user to specify a realm in their User-Name
and set the value of Vendor-User-Group based on the realm.


How do I conditionally add an AV pair post-proxy with FreeRADIUS version

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