Hi all. I have a hardware that sends me accounting using radius protocol

i have two records:

(Acct-Session-Id, Start Record)
14346//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/40AB4B43 ADA86932 80450002

(Acct-Session-Id, Stop Record)
14346///40AB4B43 ADA86932 80450002 A401E622/answer/VoIP/13:08:48.000
GMT Tue Oct 11 2005/13:09:03.000 GMT Tue Oct 11 2005/16/

You see that the only common part of records is first 5 digits at the
I need to change these attribute to 14346 before it is uploaded to the database.
I have a script that cuts digits:


echo $1 | awk -F / {'print "Acct-Session-Id = " $1'}
exit 0

But i don't know what to write in radiusd.conf

Now i did:

exec {
        wait = yes
        program = "/opt/gk/radius/bin/acct_parse %{Acct-Session-Id}"

        input_pairs = request

        output_pairs = request

        packet_type = Accounting-Request

accounting {

But it doesn't work

In debug mode i see:

radius_xlat:  '/opt/gk/radius/bin/acct_parse 14405///22CE4B43 EF5D8704
806B0002 A401E622/answer/VoIP/15:37:36.000 GMT Tue Oct 11
2005/15:37:50.000 GMT Tue Oct 11 2005/16/'
Exec-Program: /opt/gk/radius/bin/acct_parse 14405///22CE4B43 EF5D8704
806B0002 A401E622/answer/VoIP/15:37:36.000 GMT Tue Oct 11
2005/15:37:50.000 GMT Tue Oct 11 2005/16/
Exec-Program output: Acct-Session-Id = 14405
Exec-Program-Wait: value-pairs: Acct-Session-Id = 14405
Exec-Program: returned: 0
 modcall[accounting]: module "exec" returns ok for request 1

What am i doing wrong and what should i do?

PS: Sorry for terrible english

Victor M. Polukcht

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