What I'm trying to accomplish is to have 1 hour of on-line access time per
user per 6 hours. So at the end of 6 hours all the counters reset. What
I've done is set the "daily" counter in the radiusd.conf file and placed
the "daily" keywords in the appropriate places, instantiate, authorize,
and accounting.

Then I injected into my MySQL database this line

"insert into radcheck values ('','username','Max-Daily-Session',':=','10');

I used the value '10' just for testing purposes. I'm using chillispot to
as a login portal and everything seems to be working, I login with chilli
as the designated user, the login window pops-up telling me that
authentication was succesful and that I have 10 seconds of surfing time.
When the counter expires I get booted off. Great. The problem is that I
can log right back in again, and the counter just counts down from 10

I want the user booted off the system and not allowed back in until the
counter resets, which in these testing purposes is once a day. How do I do
this, or better yet, what can I read that will tell me this, I read the
rlm_sql_counter text in the doc/ folder and it didn't answer the question.


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