hi everybody,

on the weekend i hab a strange problem with a ppp client.
here's the log from the client:

pr 17 16:23:34 localhost pppd[449]: pppd 2.4.2b1 started by root, uid 0
Apr 17 16:24:35 localhost pppd[449]: Serial connection established.
Apr 17 16:24:35 localhost pppd[449]: Using interface ppp0
Apr 17 16:24:35 localhost pppd[449]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cu.modem
Apr 17 16:24:36 localhost pppd[449]: Unsupported protocol 'Compression
Control Protocol' (0x80fd) received
Apr 17 16:24:37 localhost pppd[449]: Unsupported protocol 'CallBack
Control Protocol (CBCP)' (0xc029) received
Apr 17 16:24:37 localhost pppd[449]: local IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Apr 17 16:24:37 localhost pppd[449]: remote IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Apr 17 16:24:37 localhost pppd[449]: IPCP terminated by peer
Apr 17 16:24:38 localhost pppd[449]: LCP terminated by peer
Apr 17 16:24:41 localhost pppd[449]: Connection terminated.
Apr 17 16:24:41 localhost pppd[449]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Apr 17 16:24:41 localhost pppd[449]: Sent 0 bytes, received 0 bytes.
Apr 17 16:24:43 localhost pppd[449]: Serial link disconnected.
Apr 17 16:24:44 localhost pppd[449]: Exit.

on the serverside i get nothing weired in the radius.log either in the
logfile of
the transcend machine. could anybody give me a hint what the problem was?
(i never had this before, i have round about 150 users that have no
let me know if  you need more information from me?

werner d.

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