> Hello,
> 1.       How do I create users that have a specific vlan attached to them
> (say user2 will always associate Vlan2 when connected), user1 is untagged
> so it's vlan1, user2 is attached to vlan2 and so on and so on.

Normally your assign the VLAN with the attributes

Tunnel-Type = "VLAN",
Tunnel-Medium-Type = "IEEE-802",
Tunnel-Private-Group-id = 2
> a.       As I explained I have one user (untagged) running and working, but
> I would like to prevent the locking of this user so a lot of connections
> will be allowed to use the same Username (this is a lab environment not
> production)

read: simultanous-use.

> 2.       Accounting: how do I enable accounting?

Is enabled by default. Or do you mean accounting to SQL? -> read the docu.

> a.       How do I view the accounting file for each connected user?

write a parser that parses the accounting file.

>                                                                i.      And
> since I have MySQL installed is there a way to view this on a GUI?

Please ask on a MySQL list for a MySQL GUI.

> b.      Can I have accounting for none authenticated users (since this is a
> Wifi testing lab we need the user to be in "open" mode and Also enable
> accounting) – how?

No. not authenticated -> no information in RADIUS.

> 3.       GUI: is there a management GUI for FreeRadius and if so how do I
> install it?

dialupadmin, daloradius. Please see the documentation of these packages.

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

Tel: (0163) 172 50 98
Fax: (089) 620 304 13

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