Hi Everyone,
I configure a Freeradius server working with LDAP. The group name in LDAP is used as the VLAN ID issued by radius too.
This is my users file configuration:
DEFAULT      Group == "1"
                     Auth-Type = LDAP,
                    Tunnel-Type = 13,
                    Tunnel-Medium-Type = 6,
                    Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 1,
                    Fall-Through = 1
DEFAULT      Group == "10"
                     Auth-Type = LDAP,
                    Tunnel-Type = 13,
                    Tunnel-Medium-Type = 6,
                    Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 10,
                    Fall-Through = 1
Now, it works fine except I have to add more lines manual once I add one more group in LDAP.
Because freeradius is going to assign the VLAN ID by matching the Group name replied by LDAP with the configured Group name in users file.
Can I configure the Group as a variable containing the value of the group name in LDAP, and radius can assign the Tunnel-Private-Group-ID by recognizing the variable?
Such as programming: 
                   Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = Group 
Thank you very much!
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