Dear FreeRADIUS Users,


We are only using FreeRADIUS to proxy accounting to 2 different home servers. 
We are experiencing the problem of being able to send accounting to one of the 
home servers in a rate higher or equal to the rate it receives the accountings 
to be proxied.


It was observed that we loose per hour about 10 accounting requests send to 
this problematic home server.


We collected for 8 minutes all accounting requests received and sent in our 
FreeRADIUS server, and we got the following:

- 73,56 requests / second received from NAS

- 40 requests / second sent to the home server via Proxy


We configured the proxy to use load_factor = 40.~


Is there any other configuration we can change to increase the accouting rate 
sent via Proxy?


Any help appreciated!


Thanks in advance.


Cristina Miyata

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