Hello all.
I've been having a very strange problem with mod_auth_radius.  I have it configured like so:
<IfModule mod_auth_radius.c>
AddRadiusAuth               x.x.x.x <password>
AddRadiusCookieValid        5
<Location /test-radius>
AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
allow from all
AuthName "RRS Radius test"
AuthType Basic
AuthAuthoritative off
KrbAuthoritative off
AuthRadiusAuthoritative on
AuthRadiusCookieValid 60
require valid-user
The above part is in both non-ssl and ssl configurations.
The weird part is this works fine when using HTTP.  HTTPS breaks, and gives this error:
[Fri Apr 29 12:02:10 2005] [crit] [client X.X.X.X] configuration error:  couldn't check user.  No user file?: /test-radius/auth.cgi
All other authentication methods on this box have worked fine for both HTTP and HTTPS: LDAP, Kerberos, NTLM.

apache 1.3.33
Thanks for any help,

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