Hi all,

I'm trying to make pam_radius work and I get some weird errors:

Feb 23 15:11:15 tartuf login[254]: PAM unable to resolve symbol: pam_sm_acct_mgmt
Feb 23 15:11:15 tartuf login[254]: pam_radius_auth: Got user name test
Feb 23 15:11:16 tartuf login[254]: pam_radius_auth: Sending RADIUS request code 1
Feb 23 15:11:17 tartuf login[254]: pam_radius_auth: Got RADIUS response code 2
Feb 23 15:11:17 tartuf login[254]: pam_radius_auth: authentication succeeded
Feb 23 15:11:17 tartuf login[254]: Authentication service cannot retrieve
authentication info.

the user 'test' is well made in freeradius and work prefectly for others types
of authentication.

As described into INSTALL and USAGE files of pam_radius module, i've setup this
configuration file: /etc/pam.d/login

auth       requisite  pam_securetty.so
auth       sufficient /lib/security/pam_radius_auth.so debug
account sufficient      /lib/security/pam_radius_auth.so
auth       required   pam_unix.so nullok
account    required   pam_unix.so
session    required   pam_unix.so

I should precese that i've removed /etc/shadow entry for this user to *really*
test pam_radius auth.

For root user, it seems ot work better because pam fall into pam_unix auth ,
probably because of pam_radius same failure:

Feb 23 15:12:48 tartuf login[297]: PAM unable to resolve symbol: pam_sm_acct_mgmt
Feb 23 15:12:48 tartuf login[297]: pam_radius_auth: Got user name root
Feb 23 15:12:51 tartuf login[297]: pam_radius_auth: Sending RADIUS request code 1
Feb 23 15:12:51 tartuf login[297]: pam_radius_auth: Got RADIUS response code 2
Feb 23 15:12:51 tartuf login[297]: pam_radius_auth: authentication succeeded
Feb 23 15:12:51 tartuf PAM_unix[297]: (login) session opened for user root by
Feb 23 15:12:51 tartuf login[297]: ROOT LOGIN on `tty1'

Any ideas?



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