
I recently setup freeradius 1.1.7 to run a EAP-TLS authentication.
My clients run on windows xp pro sp2, with microsoft hotfixes to be abble to use WPA2 and EAP.
Encryption is WPA2-AES.

All certificates (root and client) are installed in the computer storage and in the user storage, as documented on the Internet (root in trusted, client in personnal).

When I log in with an administrator account, everything works fine.
When I log in with a domain user account, I can't access to the network. A look at freeradius logs shows that it authenticate every 1 second, so the network connection does not stay up ... All access requests are accepted.

Does anyone of you have an idea of what's happening ?


*Hospices Civils de Beaune*
*Patrice OLIVER*
/Chef de Projet Ville Hôpital/
/Responsable Réseau & Sécurité/
BP 104
21203 BEAUNE Cedex      Tél. 03 80 24 44 09
Fax. 03 80 24 45 90

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