Hi All;


With your help i have managed to get Radius to do what i needed, thanks.


Basically i have placed the following into the sites-available/default file on 
the authorize and accounting areas:



        if ("%{User-Name}" =~ /^(.{6,32})(@{1})(.{17})$/){
                        update request {
                                User-Name := "%{1}"
                                Realm := "%{3}"

        else {

The Regex will allow:

Usernames from 6 to 32 characters;
Only one @ sign, and
32 Chars for the MAC Address

Users without the @ MAC_ADDRESS will be dropped.


With that REGEX true the Username and Realm are updated respectively on my 


Next time anybody is around Windsor UK, let me know (email at the top) i'll 
treat you for a pint(s) of Stella and a Kebab


Thanks again


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