> > So...if anyone can get me any advice re: how to check the
> functionality of
> > the attr_rewrite module I'd appreciate it.
> >
> > Thank you -
> >
> > Brian Ammons
> >

> Its because you defined the name of the module as mac_colons.  Change
> attr_rewrite to mac_colons in your authorize section.

That worked, exactly as advertised.  Thank you very, very much.  But I have
another problem, that I tried to solve but took down all our other NASs
instead...I googled and searched the archive but I couldn't find the

The new NAS does not transmit a password along with the username, as
illustrated below:

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=50, length=60
>         Service-Type = Framed-User
>         NAS-Port-Id = "wlan1"
>         User-Name = "00:0A:E9:06:29:07"
>         User-Password = ""
>         NAS-IP-Address =

In our AuthDB, every username (the 12 digit mac, no colons) has a password
that exactly matches the username.

I tried to do this (and correctly loaded the module this time, thanks again
to Dustin Doris):

#attr_rewrite blank_password {
        #       attribute = User-Password
        #       searchin = packet
        #       searchfor = ""
        #       replacewith = User-Name
        #       ignore_case = yes
        #       new_attribute = no
        #       max_matches = 10
        #       append = no

However, as I mentioned, that totally broke every other Auth-Request in
addition to not validating the new NAS Auth-Request in question.

So my boolean would be, "IF an Auth-Request comes in (??"from a particlar
client"?  or "from a particular shortname defined in clients.conf"? or would
it be "with a blank password") THEN replace User-Password with (no colons,
all lowercase) User-Name."

OR would I replace it with the User-Name as passed from the NAS and then
operate on the password?

Thanks again for the assistance:


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