Hi all

I have a Cisco AS5350 and I writed a custom TCL IVR script for voice application. When a call occures, then my script collects a 10 digit number and sends it to my freeRadius for authorization. my freeRadius configured with MySql db. I inserted (VENDOR: CISCO) and (ATTRIBUTE: Cisco-AVPair) in dictionary table. also in radreply table  I have below record:

<a 10 digit number> (user FIELD)        Cisco-AVPair (Attribute FIELD)        := (op FIELD)        h323-ivr-in=A:B (Value FIELD)     

In debug output of Cisco AS5350, after sending authorization request, I saw:


ROUTER#Received from id 42, Access-Accept, len 56

4w5d: RADIUS:  authenticator 06 3A 4D BB 2C AA 28 B8 - B7 11 CE DA B0 66 B2 66
4w5d: RADIUS:  Vendor, Cisco       [26]  24
4w5d: RADIUS:   Cisco AVpair       [1]   18  "h323-ivr-in=A:B"
4w5d: RADIUS:  Service-Type        [6]   6   Framed                    [2]
4w5d: RADIUS:  Framed-Protocol     [7]   6   PPP                       [1]


It doesn't show any "Attribute 26 ..." in debug output. Also in my TCL script: "infotag get aaa_avpair_exists h323-ivr-in" returns False and could not found h323-ivr-in avpair in Access-Accept message!

Please help me and guide me if I take a mistake on freeRadius configuration or MySql configuration for sending Cisco AVPair (VSA) to AS5350.

Tank you in Advanced.
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