Okay, this question is similar to something asked before


the question there was about a reg/ex to modify the username to mac addy.  I
would like to do something similiar (though i don't necessarily need the
reg/ex) and would just like to know if this is possible in the hints file. 
Based on the username, password, and nas device being sent in for
authentication, change the username to the calling station id and accept.  
for ex:

Username == "testing", Nasipaddress=="", password=="password"

everything else i would like to do standard authentication through the radius
server.  (I didn't see a doc file on the hints file, or a man page is why i'm
asking this here.)

this is in freeradius 1.0.0-pre3 on a Sol8 box with a fairly standard compile.


Terry J Fike Jr
System Administrator
MTA Solutions

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