Although I can query an AD server via ldapsearch without problems, I do not get it working using freeradiusd.

I do get rlm_ldap: search failed.

In the logs first I see:

rlm_ldap: Bind was successful

later there is:
read1msg:  V2 referral chased, mark request completed, id = 3^M
new result: res_errno: 1, res_error: <00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090627, comment: In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, vece>, res_matched: <>^M

Why can this happen?
(complete log at: )
raidusd.conf is also there

My radiusd.conf includes the section:

ldap ldap1 {
               server = ""
               identity = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
               password = "mypass"
               basedn = "dc=TDE002,dc=SITEST,dc=NET"

filter="(servicePrincipalName=HOST/lnxad)" # a fixed value here, just for testing. This filter works with ldapsearch.


               #base_filter = "(objectclass=computer)"
               ldap_connections_number = 1
               timeout = 40
               timelimit = 30
               net_timeout = 10
               tls {
                       start_tls = no
               dictionary_mapping = ${raddbdir}/ldap.attrmap

Any hint is appreciated.
Norbert Wegener

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