hi, everyone :
Now i have setup a test environment with redhat9.0+freeradius0.9.3+mysql,with cisco 7401 as NAS. And now everythings goes well till the service "Simultaneous-Use" gets some problem.
i have found out that the file /usr/local/var/log/radius/radutmp will only record the latest logged user  on the same nas, and the previus logged user ,no matter how many users logged in and still keep online ,will be overlapd by the last one, but the record in the mysql keeps right .
so checkrad.pl will not be called since radwho will only find out the latest user. and many double log in  
here is config:
there r four users ,both belong to usergroup "user1" , they all can dial in the nas .
| id | UserName      | Attribute     | op | Value         |
|  1 | test          | User-Password | := | test          |
|  2 | testglobalfix | User-Password | := | testglobalfix |
|  5 | testglobal    | User-Password | := | testglobal    |
|  4 | testlocal     | User-Password | := | testlocal     |
| id | GroupName | Attribute        | op | Value |
|  1 | user1     | Simultaneous-Use | := | 1     |
| id | UserName      | GroupName |
|  1 | test          | user1     |
|  2 | testglobalfix | user1     |
|  3 | testlocal     | user1     |
|  4 | testglobal    | user1     |
with no change to /usr/local/etc/raddb/users
cisco nas config:

aaa new-model


aaa authentication login default line enable
aaa authentication login localauth local
aaa authentication ppp default local group radius
aaa authorization exec default group radius none
aaa authorization network default local group radius
aaa accounting delay-start
aaa accounting exec default start-stop group radius
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
aaa accounting system default start-stop group radius
aaa session-id common
ip subnet-zero


! text omitted


radius-server host auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 051F031C3545400E485744
radius-server attribute nas-port format b
radius-server key 7 021201481F0F01261D1C5A
radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type


************************** test begins ****************************************
when i use ethernet300 to dial , i can find the four users  can log to NAS and radius server log the record in mysql correctely ,but the Simultaneous-Use will not work ,so many users can double logg to the NAS.
issue command on radius server :
1) now no one is in the log
[EMAIL PROTECTED] radius]# radwho    
Login      Name              What  TTY  When      From      Location
2) dial with user:testglobalfix from nas1 and it is ok , got an address, logg in the radutmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] radius]# radwho
Login      Name              What  TTY  When      From      Location
testglobal testglobalfix     PPP   S0   Tue 17:33 10.64.12.
3) now testglobalfix is on line ,then dial with user:test from the nas1 。
[EMAIL PROTECTED] radius]# radwho
Login      Name              What  TTY  When      From      Location
test       test              PPP   S0   Tue 17:35 10.64.12.
4) i have found out the user:test overlap user:testglobalfix in the radutmp ,and now from the nas1 issue "show caller " both test and testglobalfix are there ,but radutmp can  only recorrd the latest one with the earlier one gone .so now radwho will show only test is on line ,but testglobalfix has gone (should test and testglobalfix both in the output?),while testglobalfix is on the nas1 and can still access the network.
5) dial with user:testlocal
[EMAIL PROTECTED] radius]# radwho
Login           Name                   What  TTY  When      From      Location
testlocal       testlocal              PPP   S0   Tue 17:36 10.64.12.
6) the same thing happend ,when another user:testlocal dialed in , it will overlap the previous one(test) in the radutmp, because radwho will not find out the test,testglobalfix  on line ,so the "Simultaneous-Use" will not to triggerd there will be many double logs in .radlast will also get the same output.
But the records in the mysql keeps right .
Can u give me a way out ? Thank u first!
Glad to talk to on msn at any time !

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