Hi all.

Maybe its a dummy question, but i wonder, if i can supply several values to check for Access-Request?

I mean following:
i create a user, add Framed-IP-Address to radcheck for this user (i realy mean this user should have fixed address) and then i include this user to two groups. Each group has Service-Type attribute in radgroupcheck table, one group has value == Call-Check, while other ==Login-User. Requests with Service-Type = Login-User passes authorize section(it has lower id so compares first), but Call-Check fails with "module "sql" returns notfound for request"

Is this correct behaviour and i should not use such approach? Or i can make freeradius to do that?

One more question is - how to use nas table for clients?
i use postgresql as a backend.

Olimp, System Administrator
 IT Dept. 8 062 381-34-28
Looking forward to reading yours.
     Ruslan N. Marchenko
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