On Sun, Nov 05, 2006 at 11:53:56AM -0500, Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
> Regarding the FreeSBIE LiveCD, I downloaded the latest 2.0 Alpha version 
> and booted it up and right away noticed some nice speed advantages over 
> Linux, but did also find that even though it detected a network card and 
> got a masquerade  IP from my dhcp server, it would not connect to the 
> net for some reason and I could not find out where to make any changes.
> Could anyone please help to advise me on this?

Did it pick up a default gateway too? (netstat -rn, look for

Can you ping your dhcp server? Can you ping outside hosts? Is there
anything in /etc/resolv.conf ?
Best Regards
Matteo Riondato
FreeBSD Committer (http://www.freebsd.org)
G.U.F.I. Staff Member (http://www.gufi.org)
FreeSBIE Developer (http://www.freesbie.org)

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