Re: [Freesurfer] inside or outside the brain

2004-04-16 Thread Gusyatin
Hi, By fixing the "z" or "depth" coordinate of your point you reduce the problem to determining if the point lies outside or inside the 2D contour. Once you've done that, you can simply check if the coordinates of the point are contained (<= or =>) within the corresponding boundaries of the conto

[Freesurfer] need clarification of analyze 7.5 format orient value

2004-04-16 Thread Yasunari Tosa
I need the clarification of analyze 7.5 format in sagittal flipped case.   I just found that it is different from the one I used for freesurfer.   I used Graham version from his web site: has hist.orient Mayo name Voxel

[Freesurfer] inside or outside the brain

2004-04-16 Thread Daniel Goldenholz
Hi. I have a math question. Suppose that I read a non-inflated brain surface using the matlab function "read_surf". Suppose further I have a single point which is in the same mri coordinate system as this surface. My question is this: what is a smart way to figure out if that single point is I

[Freesurfer] updated tkmedit won't run..

2004-04-16 Thread Wietske Van Der Zwaag
Dear Freesurfers, I've just updated my freesurfer to the 20040218 version, but now I am no longer able to run the tkmedit program. I've tried the tkmedit.static version too, but with the same result (ie none) The log file says this: /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/Linux/tkmedit blobby T1-csurf

[Freesurfer] mritotal and COR files

2004-04-16 Thread F.Musso
Hello "freesurfers", I have a very basic question... Following the tutorial about freesurfer on the FSL home page and also the freesurfer tutorial I try to create the talairach.xfm trasformation file using mritotal. But apparently mritotal don't like the COR format files. I did several trials but