[Freesurfer] freeview error

2014-01-01 Thread charujing
Dear Ruopeng, Thanks for your help, Ruopeng.I learned the groupanalysis by manu ofhttp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/GroupAnalysis. I ran this command on your tutorial data (buckner data). Would you please tell me where my hardware setup is inappropriate? Thanks. All the best.

[Freesurfer] Motion correction for SPACE FLAIR

2014-01-01 Thread Octavian Lie
Dear All, We recently implemented pial correction using T2 space FLAIR with freesurfer v 5.3, mostly successfully. We use 2-3 MPRAGE (sagittal + axial and/or coronal) volumes as 001.mgz, 002/003.mgz for the motion correction step in recon-all pipeline. The typical times for acquiring space FLAIR