External Email - Use Caution
Hello Freesurfer Experts!
I met the mri_glmfit error: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno
= 1e+08.I am trying to run a 8 group 3 variables analysis: with diagnosis being
variable of interest and trying to regress out the effects of
ed four classes (TLE-Male,
TLE-Female, etc) and change the contrast to reflect it, otherwise I think it
looks ok. Load the sig.mgh file into freeview (or the tksurferfv freeview
On 2/19/2020 10:31 PM, 邓刊 wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer support,
he sig.mgh file into freeview (or the tksurferfv freeview
On 2/19/2020 10:31 PM, 邓刊 wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer support,
we met some probelm when we investigate difference between two groups. We
have two sets of data, one is the TLE gro
oad the sig.mgh file into freeview (or the tksurferfv freeview
On 2/19/2020 10:31 PM, 邓刊 wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer support,
we met some probelm when we investigate difference between two groups. We
have two sets of data, one is the TLE
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer support,
we met some probelm when we investigate difference between two groups. We
have two sets of data, one is the TLE group, the other is the extraTLE. We also
has the variables: age,gender and neuropsychological test scores.
-1 1 -1 ] ?
Best wishes,
At 2019-11-12 01:18:10, "Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D."
>yes, that looks right to me.
>On 11/8/19 1:28 AM, 邓刊 wrote:
>> External Email - Use Caution
>> Dear freesurfer users,
>> Dear freesurfer users,
External Email - Use Caution
Dear freesurfer users, I have a question about the design matrix.We want to
analyse the relationship between the cortical thickness and the
neuropsychological test. We have two groups:TLE and extralTLE,one discrete
variable:gender,and two contin