[Freesurfer] Current age or Age of onset

2010-03-25 Thread 류철형
Dear All I'm trying to search for the cortical thickness change associated with the progression of a neurodegenerative disease. Each patient may have current age, age of onset, disease duration, and disease severity score. To find the cortical areas in which cortical thickness is correlated w

[Freesurfer] FDR corrected figure

2009-09-03 Thread 류철형
Dear all. I'd like to make a thickness difference figure with FDR corrected color scale bar. For example. FDR corrected p<0.05 p<0.01 p<0.001 Color scale bar== However, in the qdec or tksurfer, only the uncorrec

[Freesurfer] Customised color bar in tksurfer

2009-07-22 Thread 류철형
Dear all 1. I would like to display average thickness on surface model in tksurfer. The basic color bar included the tksurfer seems to be insufficient for displaying thickness difference (e.g. red to yellow etc.). I'd like to use rainbow color table in displaying the thickness result. How can I

[Freesurfer] do I have to include age as covariate in qdec analysis?

2009-06-19 Thread 류철형
Dear all I'm trying to compare the cortical thickness between the neurodegenerative disease patient group and normal controls. To match the age, I selected subjects from both groups and finally included age-matched groups into freesurfer thickness analysis (similar mean age, same age distri

[Freesurfer] RE: extending the pial surface and scuba

2008-08-07 Thread 류철형
Dear freesurfer I’m one of the neurologists in South Korea and having an interest in the functional neuroimaging studies in neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, I’m planning to study the cortical thickness of various degenerative disorders and trying to learn the freesurfer (version 4.0.5),